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Selected Publications

Jorjadze, A; Bussmann, RW; Paniagua Zambrana, NY; Batsatsashvili, K; Svanidze, E. (2023):
Traditional use of Polypores in Georgia (the Caucasus).. Ethnobotany Research and Applications 26:5: doi: 10.32859/era.26.5.1-18
Kunwar RM, Baral B, Luintel S, Uprety Y, Poudel RC, Adhikari B, Adhikari YA, Subedi SC, Subedi CK, Poudel P, Paudel HR, Paudel BV, Mahat Kunwar L, Upadhayaya LS, Bhattarai S, Pyakurel D, Kutal DH, Pandey P, Bhandari A, Thapa GJ, Paniagua NY, Bussmann RW. (2022):
Ethnomedicinal landscape: distribution of used medicinal plant species in Nepal. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 18:34: doi: 10.1186/s13002-022-00531-x