Dr. Albrecht Manegold, Dipl.-Biol.

Curator Vertebrates

Phone: +49 721 175 2817


Research interests

Biodiversity, phylogeny and evolution of birds and mammals

Fossil birds from Maghreb and South Africa and their significance for paleoecological reconstructions

Morphology of vertebrates


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Selected Publications

Gerstenberger L. M., Heckeberg N., Manegold A. (2024):
Identification of tiger subspecies based on craniometrics, morphological characters and geometric morphometrics.. 97th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Mammalian Biology (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Säugetierkunde e.V.) - General Information and Abstracts : 22
Manegold A. (2024):
An improbable gorilla odyssey. 97th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Mammalian Biology (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Säugetierkunde e.V.) - General Information and Abstracts : 34
Pavia M., Braga J., Delfino M., Kgasi L., Manegold A., Steininger C., Zipfel B. & Val A. (2024):
A new species of Lovebird (Aves, Psittaculidae, Agapornis) from the Plio-Pleistocene of the Cradle of Humankind (Gauteng, South Africa). Geobios online  
Johnson, K. R., Owens, I. F. P., the Global Collection Group (2023):
A global approach for natural history museum collections. Science 379: 1192-1194
Lessmann N. & Manegold A. (2023):
Historische Belege für sehr große Leistenkrokodile (Crocodylus porosus) aus Indonesien am Staatlichen Museum für Naturkunde Karlsruhe (SMNK). Carolinea 81: 9-17  
Manegold A. (2023):
Bunte Schädel im Naturkundemuseum Karlsruhe - Die Schädelsammlung von Wilhelm Thiersch (1881 - 1912). Carolinea 81: 19-35  
Gerstenberger L., Heckeberg N.S., Manegold A. (2022):
Identification of tiger subspecies based on craniometrics, morphological characters and geometric morphometrics. 95th Annual Meeting of the German Society for Mammalian Biology (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Säugetierkunde e.V.) - Abstracts of oral presentations and posters in alphabetical order : 20
Manegold A., Hutterer R. (2021):
First substantial evidence for Old World vultures (Aegypiinae, Accipitridae) from the early Palaeolithic and Iberomaurusian of Morocco. Paläontologische Zeitschrift 95: 503-514  
Mayr G., Manegold A. (2021):
On the comparative morphology of the juvenile avian skull: An assessment of squamosal shape across avian higher-level taxa. Anatomical Record 304, published online 09.09.2020, DOI: 10.1002/ar.24504: 845-859
Prŷs-Jones R.P., Manegold A., White J. (2021):
The conundrum of an overlooked skeleton referable to Imperial Woodpecker Campephilus imperialis in the collection of the Natural History Museum at Tring. British Ornithologists' Bulletin 141: 66-74  
Manegold A. (2020):
New results on birds from the Early Pleistocene site of Untermassfeld. In: R.-D. Kahlke (ed.). The Pleistocene of Untermassfeld near Meiningen (Thüringen, Germany), Part 4 , Mainz, Verlag des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums: 1159-1167
Mayr G., Bochenski Z.B., Tomek T., Wertz K., Bienkowska-Wasiluk M., Manegold A. (2020):
Skeletons from the early Oligocene of Poland fill a significant temporal gap in the fossil record of upupiform birds (hoopoes and allies). Historical Biology 32: 1163-1175
Verhaagh M., Manegold A. (2020):
Neue Abhängigkeiten im Museum - die Alkoholsammlung. Natur und Museum 10: 23-27  
Manegold, A. (2019):
Vielfraß (Gulo gulo). Für Euch! 30 Jahre Stiftung Hirsch - Kulturförderung in Karlsruhe , Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe: 56-57
Höfer H., Manegold A., Riedel A., Trusch R., Verhaagh M. (2018):
The zoological collections of the State Museum of Natural History Karlsruhe. Zoological Collections of Germany The Animal Kingdom in its Amazing Plenty at Museums and Universities (Ed. Beck L.A. ) , Heidelberg, Springer: 683-706
Manegold A. (2017):
Der See-Elefant „Tristan“ – die Geschichte eines ungewöhnlichen Museumsexponats. Carolinea 75: 147-151  
Manegold A. (2017):
Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein Karlsruhe e.V. Mitgliederversammlung am 21. März 2017 für das Vereinsjahr 2016. Carolinea 75: 205-216
Manegold A., Trusch R. (2017):
Mitgliederverzeichnis Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein Karlsruhe e.V.. Carolinea 75: 217-222
Manegold A. (2016):
Rediscovery of the complete type series of the White-striped Forest Wallaby Dorcopsis hageni Heller, 1897 in the collections of the State Museum of Natural History Karlsruhe. Vertebrate Zoology 66: 217-219
Manegold, A. (2016):
Rediscovery of the complete type series of the White-striped Forest Wallaby Dorcopsis hageni Heller, 1897 in the collections of the State Museum of Natural History Karlsruhe. Vertebrate Zoology 66: 217-219
Pavia M., Manegold A., Haarhoff P. (2015):
New early Pliocene owls from Langebaanweg, South Africa, with first evidence of Athene south of the Sahara and a new species of Tyto. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 60: 815-828
White J., Manegold, A. (2015):
Visualising the osteology of wet preserved specimens using micro-computed tomography: a trial run for the Antillean Piculet Nesoctites micromegas. Abstracts 9th International Conference of European Bird Curators , Moscow: 101
Manegold A. (2014):
Aktuelle Hypothesen zur Ausbreitung und Einnischung von Buch- (Fringilla coelebs) und Teydefink (F. teydea) auf den Kanarischen Inseln. Sitzungsberichte der Gesellschaft Naturforschender Freunde 50: 121-135
Manegold A. (2014):
Two new parrot species (Psittaciformes) from the early Pliocene of Langebaanweg (South Africa) and their paleoecological implications. Ibis 155: 127-139
Manegold A., Pavia M., Haarhoff, P. (2014):
A new species of Aegypius vulture (Aegypiinae, Accipitridae) from the early Pliocene of South Africa. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 34: 1394-1407
Manegold A., Podsiadlowski L. (2014):
On the systematic position of the Black-collared Lovebird Agapornis swindernianus (Agapornithinae, Psittaciformes). Journal of Ornithology 155: 581-589
Manegold A., White J. (2014):
Morphologische Anpassungen an das Klettern und Hacken beim Hüpfspecht Nesoctites micromegas (Picidae, Piciformes) dargestellt mit Hilfe der Computertomografie. Vogelwarte 52: 324-325
Manegold A., Zelenkov N. (2014):
A new species of Aegypius vulture from the early Pliocene of Moldova is the earliest unequivocal evidence of Aegypiinae in Europe. Paläontologische Zeitschrift 8: DOI: 10.1007/s12542-014-0242-4
Manegold A., Louchart A., Carrier J. & Elzanowski A. (2013):
The Early Pliocene avifauna of Langebaanweg (South Africa): a review and update. In: Göhlich, U.B., Kroh, A. (eds.) Paleornithological Research 2013 – Proceedings of the 8th International Meeting of the Society of Avian Paleontology and Evolution : 135-152
Manegold A., Podsiadlowski L. (2013):
Erste morphologische und molekulare Untersuchungen zur phylogenetischen Stellung des Grünköpfchens Agapornis swindernianus. Vogelwarte 51: 348
Manegold A., Töpfer T. (2013):
The systematic position of Hemicircus (Picidae) and the evolution of adaptations for drilling and climbing up in true woodpeckers. Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research 51: 72-82
Mayr G., Manegold A. (2013):
Can ovarian follicles fossilize?. Nature 499: http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/nature12367
Manegold A. (2012):
On the name of the Canary Blue Tit Cyanistes teneriffae from Gran Canaria. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club 132: 68
Manegold A. & Louchart A. (2012):
Biogeographical and palaeoenvironmental implications of a new woodpecker species (Picidae) from the early Pliocene of South Africa. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 32: 926-938
Manegold A., Brink J.S. (2011):
Descriptions and palaeoecological implications of bird remains from the Middle Pleistocene of Florisbad, South Africa. Paläontologische Zeitschrift 85: 19-32
Manegold A., Brink J.S. (2011):
A chat (Saxicolinae, Muscicapidae) from the mid-Holocene of Florisbad, South Africa. Ostrich: Journal of African Ornithology 82: 57-63