EDAPHOBASE - a soil organism data warehouse
In the second project phase the non-commercial database Edaphobase will be integrated in the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) network with a node for soil organisms at the Senckenberg Museum in Görlitz. Data on Chilopoda, Collembola, Diplopoda, Enchytraeidae, Gamasina, Lumbricidae, Nematoda and Oribatida will be mobilized through a portal. The public can view the database and occurences of soil animals in Germany and registerd users can profit from a variety of innovative analysis tools.
EDAPHOBASE is a database on soil animals, established at the Senckenberg Museum of Natural History in Görlitz as a part of GBIF (Global Biodiversity Information Facility). It assembles soil organism data from many institutions (including SMNK) and persons doing research on this topic and supplements them with literature data. Unlike in most other organism databases, here also information on individual numbers, site conditions, methods etc. can be extracted. Data types comprise up-to-date taxonomic thesauri, geographical references, ecological indices, soil composition, vegetation, meteorological data, sampling and extraction methods, quantity of collected organisms, identification methods, preparation techniques, and behavioural data. The data quality in EDAPHOBASE is guaranteed by critical evaluation of the data by taxonomic experts prior to data input. EDAPHOBASE offers a wide range of tools for data inclusion (client, GIS-tool, semi-automatic literature analysis) and data exploration. Simple queries are possible as well as more sophisticated analyses of different data groups concerning, e.g., geographical distribution or preferences and tolerances with regard to specific niche parameters or effects of anthropogenic perturbation. Furthermore, prognostic tools are provided to discern changes within soil biocoenotic assemblages as a reaction to modifications in land-use techniques or effects of climatic change. We expect EDAPHOBASE to multiply the availability and quality of soil zoological data for research and application in Germany. EDAPHOBASE has been built by software engineers and soil scientists at Senckenberg Museum in Görlitz, Germany in cooperation and with contributions of scientists from the Natural History Museum in Karlsruhe and ECT Oekotoxikologie GmbH, Flörsheim. The project was in its first phase (2009-2012) and continues to be funded in its second phase (2013-2017) by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). More Information under: www.senckenberg.de and GBIF.Selected Publications
- Toschki A., Burkhardt U., Haase H., Höfer H., Jänsch S., Oellers J., Römbke J., Roß-Nickoll M., Salamon J., Schmelz R. M., Scholz-Starke B., Russell D. (2021):
- Die Edaphobase-Länderstudien. Synökologische Untersuchungen von Bodenorganismen in einem Biotop- und Standortgradienten in Deutschland 2014 – 2018. Peckiana 14: 1-367 (PDF über https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Hubert-Hoefer/research)
- Beck L., Horak F. & Woas S. (2018):
- Südwestdeutsche Oribatiden (Acari: Oribatida) - Arten, Taxonomie, Vorkommen. Andrias 21: 1-196
- Beck L., Horak F. & Woas S. (2014):
Zur Taxonomie der Gattung Phthiracarus Perty, 1841 (Acari, Oribatida) in Südwestdeutschland.
Carolinea 72: 109-132
- Burkhardt U., Russell D.J., Decker P., Döhler M., Höfer H., Lesch S., Rick S., Römbke J., Trog C., Vorwald J., Wurst E., Xylander W.E.R. (2014):
- The Edaphobase project of GBIF-Germany—A new online soil-zoological data warehouse. Applied Soil Ecology 83: 3-12
- Jänsch S., Steffens L., Höfer H., Horak F., Roß-Nickoll M., Russell D., Toschki A., Römbke J. (2013):
State of knowledge of earthworm communities in German soils as a basis for biological soil quality.
Soil Organisms 85(3), Görlitz: 215-233
- Römbke J., Burkhardt U., Höfer H., Jänsch S., Roß-Nickoll M., Russell D., Schmitt H., Toschki A. (2013):
Die Beurteilung der Boden-Biodiversität: Ergebnisse eines UBA-Vorhabens.
Bodenschutz 3: 100-105
- Römbke J., Jänsch S., Höfer H., Horak F., Roß-Nickoll M., Russell D., Toschki A. (2013):
State of knowledge of enchytraeid communities in German soils as a basis for biological soil quality assessment.
Soil Organims 85(2), Görlitz: 123-146
- Raub F., Stierhof T., Höfer H. (2012):
Vom Karteikasten zu modernen Informationssystemen - die Entwicklung der zoologischen Datenbanken am Staatlichen Museum für Naturkunde Karlsruhe.
Carolinea 70, Karlsruhe: 91-101

Dr. Hubert Höfer, Dipl.-Biol.
Phone: +49 721 175 2826
E-Mail: hubert.hoefer[at]smnk.de

Dr. Florian Raub
Phone: +49 721 175 2820
E-Mail: florian.raub[at]smnk.de

Dr. Thomas Stierhof, Dipl.-Biol.
Phone: +49 721 175 2823
E-Mail: thomas.stierhof[at]smnk.de