Carolinea 74

56 Carolinea 74 (2016) tremely short. The North American Belba ( Pro­ tobelba ) N orton , 1979, besides in the points already mentioned, differs from Tokukobelba in: 1) presence of spinae adnatae; 2) epimeral seta- tion of 3-3-3-4; 3) trochanteral setation of 1-1-2-2; 4) presence of 7 setae on femur II; 5) presence of nymphal tracheal vestibules; 6) bothridia located at lateral margin of prodorsum, laterally directed; 7) cerotegument reticulate; 8) notogaster carries large load of compact organic debris. Description of Tokukobelba adult Dimensions . Small to medium sized species with a body length of 340-620 µm. Integument . Colour light brown, often with a yel- low or red hue. Cuticle finely and regularly micro- tuberculate throughout. Numerous large cuticular tubercles present on epimeres I-IV. Cerotegu- ment clear, white in colour, thick, granular to tu- berculate, not filamentous. Prodorsum . (Figs 1, 3). Approximately triangu- lar in dorsal view. Apophysis P absent. Bothrid- ium directed posterolaterad, irregularly funnel shaped; Sensillus long to very long, thin, proxi- mally smooth, barbed in middle region, distally smooth and flagellate. Interlamellar setae usually attenuate, barbed, short, measuring about 1/3 of sensillus length. Lamellar setae barbed, insert- ed mediad to barbed rostral setae and slightly longer than these. Prodorsal apophyses Aa, Ap well developed. Prodorsum raised in the region of the larger muscle attachments with a steep drop-off at the lateral margins of the two anterior sigillary fields and with a deep, conspicuous cen- troprodorsal groove. In dorsal view this gives the impression of Aa apparently being positioned on each side near the posterior end of a longitudinal arch-shaped ridge, of Ap seemingly situated on a transverse ridge which laterally joins the both- ridium, and of there being a ring of dark chitin be- tween the bothridia. Postbothridial apophysis Ba conspicuous, Bp mostly absent or represented by a ridge of thickened integument. Apophyses Da, Dp of dorsosejugal enantiophysis and La, Lp of laterosejugal enantiophysis absent. Laterally between acetabulum I and II a strongly devel- oped enantiophysis with anterior and posterior anterolateral apophyses Ala and Alp in at least one species. Genal notch, pedotectum I, humer- al enantiophysis, tutorium and lamellae absent. Tectum of podocephalic fossa not ventrally pro- jecting. Numerous prominent cuticular tubercles present on leg apodemata resulting in an undu- late or dentate anterior margin of the pedotectal regions I and II. Prominent fields of muscle sigil- lae situated between the interlamellar setae and anteromediad of each bothridium. Further sigil- lae lateral to bothridia and anterior and adaxial to Ba. Dorsosejugal furrow deep, wide, fully convex in dorsal view. Notogaster (Figs 1, 3). Notogaster slightly ovate, clearly longer than wide when observed from a viewpoint perpendicular to the circumgas- tric scissure. In lateral perspective notogaster hemispherical, robust, of normal height equal- ling about 0,5 - 0,6x of its length, with its dorsal margin almost evenly rounded, only anteriorly between setae c2 and lm very slightly flattened. Spinae adnatae absent. Notogaster usually with- out excuvial scalps or a compact mass of debris; some loosely attached material may be present. Pteromorphae, carina circumpedalis, dorso- phragmata and pleurophragmata absent. Dorso­ sejugal groove anterior to, and distinct from circumgastric scissure. Discidium variously de- veloped, broadly rounded to subtriangular. Noto- gaster with 11 pairs of setae. Setation quinque- deficient. Setae c2-c3, la-lp, and h1-h3 inserted along two approximately parallel rows relatively close to the mid-sagittal plane; setae c1 more medially placed. Setae of c, l and h-series short to medium in length, slender, directed posteriad, lightly or densely barbed, usually strongly bent near the base and lying close to the notogastral surface. In dorsal view insertion points of setae c1 and c2 almost lie on a straight line and in- serted close together. Distance c2-la = 1,5x-2x c1-c2. Setae ps1-ps3 thin, short, positioned lat- eromarginally. Muscle sigillae along lateral and posterolateral margins of the notogaster form two bands, ending anteriorad just posterior to in- sertion points of setae c2. Fields of sigillae also exist between setae c1 and c2. Lyrifissures ia, im, ip, ih, ips and opening of latero-opisthosomal gland located on the notogastral margin. Areae porosae absent. Epimeral region (Figs 2, 3). Parastigmatic apo- physis Sa small to medium sized, usually tuber- culate, distally rounded, subtriangular or truncate, not elongate, spinelike. Apophysis Sp similar in appearance to Sa. Ventrosejugal enantiophysis mostly present, strongly developed. Apophysis