Carolinea 74

L amos : Tokukobelba gen. nov. (Acari: Oribatida: Damaeidae) 57 Va broad, conspicuously multituberculate, Vp monotuberculate. Apophyses of propodoventral enantiophysis present or absent, with E2a multi- tuberculate and E2b monotuberculate. Tubercles comprising Va, Vp, E2a, E2b apically truncate to rounded. Epimeral setation 3-1-3-3. All epimeral setae inserted on conspicuous tubercles, with tubercles on epimeres III and IV usually greatly enlarged. Apophysis E4a mostly present. Nu- merous large cuticular tubercles not associated with any setae are found on acetabular tecta and laterally on epimeres I-IV. Verrucose sculpturing very distinct on posterior borders of epimeres I and II, giving a dentate appearance to the lateral margin between the discidium and the sejugal groove in ventral perspective. Internal apodemes of epimeres III and especially IV are sclerotized and conspicuous. Ventrosejugal groove and epi- meral grooves I, II, IV very distinct. Ano-genital region (Figs 2, 3). Genital and anal plates large and positioned close together. Geni- tal plates without a transverse scissure. Six pairs of genital, 1 pair of aggenital, 2 pairs of anal and 3 pairs of adanal setae present. Oblique adanal lyrifissures iad antiaxial to anal plates, posteriad their anterior margin. Anal plates with a con- spicuously thickened carina. Seta ad3 laterally inserted, its distance from the anal plate is more than twice that of seta ad2. Spermatopositor egg-shaped in ventral view, with 7 pairs of setae. Anterior genital papilla Gp1 only about half the length of Gp2, Gp3 in ventral perspective, with latter two approximately similar in shape and dimensions. Ovipositor short, tubular, longitudi- nally striated, distally with 3 eugenital lobes. Pre- anal organ very strongly sclerotized, connected dorsally to rim of circumanal opening. Gnathosoma (Figs 8, 9). Infracapitulum diar- thric with subcapitular setae h, m, a present. Rutella smooth, atelebasic. Each rutellum with a distal hyaline swelling. Adoral sclerite of lateral lips with setae or1 and or2. Chelicera robust, chelate-dentate, moderately elongate with seta cha situated in a dorsal to slightly paraxial po- sition and chb antiaxially situated. Digitus fixus of chelicerae with 4 or 5 and digitus mobilis with 4 well developed teeth, latter triangular in lateral view. Trägårdh´s organ narrow. Pedipalpi slender, pentamerous. Palpal setation 0-2-1-3-9, exclud- ing solenidion ω . The latter baculate, orientated parallel to tarsal surface and not associated with the anteroculminal eupathidium acm. Palptarsus without a eupathidial subultimal seta sul and instead with a supernumerary ventral seta v2´, where known. Legs (Figs 4-7). Leg segments generally clavate, rarely sub-moniliform. Legs short; leg IV about 1,1 times the ventral body length. Trochanteral setation 1-1-2-1. Femoral setation 7-6-3-2, rarely 7-4-3-2 or 7-6-5-2. Genual setation 4-4-3-3; gen- ual associated setal formula 1-1-1-0. Tibial seta- tion usually 5-5-4-4 or 4-5-4-4; tibial associated setal formula 1-1-1-1 or 0-1-1-1. Seta d of tibia I-IV usually regressed, thin, much shorter than its associated solenidion φ . Seta d of tibia IV measures about 1/5 the length of its associated solenidion φ , the latter being 1,4 to 2,0 times the length of tibia IV. Tarsus of leg I with 22 setae in- cluding famulus, with setae v2´ and v2´´ present. Tarsus II with 18 setae with seta v2´ present. Tarsi III and IV generally with 17 and 14 setae respectively, with v1´ and v1´´ both present. Leg solenidial formulae: I (1-2-2), II (1-1-2), III (1-1- 0), IV (0-1-0). Ambulacrum monodactyl. Claws smooth, small, sickle-shaped, of approximately the same length on all tarsi. A conspicuous slit- like lyrifissure ly located dorsoproximally on tarsi I-IV. Description of larva and nymphs of Tokukobelba Body Dimensions . Body length of larva meas- ures about 0,4x, that of tritonymph 0,8x the adult ventral body length. Ratio of body length to width about 2:1 in larva and in the three nymphal stag- es. Integument . Cuticle of body smooth, transpar- ent and white to pale yellow in colour. Gnatho- soma, several setal apophyses and sclerites, notogastral cornicle and legs lightly sclerotized, light brown. Degree of sclerotization strongest in the tritonymph and least in the larva. Cerotegu- ment granular, very thick, covers most of body and legs and setal bases. Granules spherical in dorsal view, tuberculate to conical in lateral view. Prodorsum in larva and nymphs with a eye-cat- ching, sclerotized, brown, approximately circular cerotegumental cap anteromediad the bothridia. Cerotegumental granules small, densely packed in central region of cap, but substantially larger at the periphery. Cerotegument generally thicker, with slightly larger granules in tritonymph than in earlier stages.