Carolinea 74

58 Carolinea 74 (2016) Prodorsum (Figs 10, 12, 13, 15). Short, about half the length of the notogastral region in lat- eral perspective, broadly rounded. Prodorsal apophyses absent. Interlamellar seta of moder- ate length, barbed and attenuate in larva; ex- tremely short and truncate in nymphs. Sensillus very long, about 0,7x body length, barbed in the middle region, distally flagellate and undulating. Bothridia funnel-shaped. Larval setae ro relative- ly much closer together than those of nymphs. The ratio of the distance of the insertion points ro-ro: la-la is about 1:1 in the larva and 1,6:1 in the nymphs. Notogaster (Figs 10, 12, 13, 15). Larval setation unideficient with 12 pairs of notogastral setae. Setae c1, c2, da, dm, dp and lp thick, elongate, with flagellate tips. Setae c1, c2 each > 0,8x body length. Setae la, lm, h1, h2 thinner and distinctly shorter with h3 minute measuring 0,05x body length. Larval seta c3 short, straight, orientated perpendicular to the long axis of the body. Nym- phal setation quadrideficient with dorsocentral setae absent and pseudanal setae ps1, ps2 and ps3 present instead. Distance c2-la about 3x-4x distance c1-c2 in nymphs. Length of nymphal setae c3 and h1 is roughly 0,6x and 0,75x the body length respectively. Seta c3 is lost in the adult. Notogastral setae insert on sclerites. In nymphs apophyses of setal pairs h1 and ps1 sited on a single common sclerite. Nymphal setal pairs c1 and c2 located on a single fused sclerite. Nymphs eupheredermous with a thin, relatively straight cornicle k present. Latter absent in the larva and adult. Cupules ia, im, ip and ih occur in the larva, with ips added in the protonymph and iad in tritonymph. The latero-ophistonotal gland is found in all stages. Anogenital region (Figs 11, 14). Genital, aggen- ital, adanal and anal setal formulae are: larva 0-0-0-0; protonymph 1-0-0-0; deutonymph 3-1- 3-2; tritonymph 5-1-3-2. A genital seta is added on each genital valve in the adult stage. Number of papillae in the genital chamber: larva 0; pro- tonymph 1; deutonymph 2; tritonymph 3. Larva without genital aperture. Ovipositor and sper- matopositor absent in juveniles. Lyrifissure ian present in tritonymph, absent in earlier stages. Epimeral region (Figs 11, 14). Epimeral seta- tion of larva 3-1-2, of protonymph 3-1-2-1, of deutonymph 3-1-2-2 and of tritonymph 3-1-3-3. Urstigma or Claparede´s organ present on epimere I in larva, absent in later stages. Seta 3c of larva modified as a broad scale covering Claparede´s organ (included in setal formula). Epimeres lightly sclerotized, except for a longitu- dinal median strip, particularly in the tritonymph. Epimeral region without sclerotized tubercles. In the tritonymph the tubercles associated with se- tae 3b, 3c, 4a and 4c are slightly broader than those of the remaining epimeral setae and tho- se of the anogenital region. Tracheal vestibules absent. Gnathosoma . Palp setal formulae: larva 0-1-1- 3-9 + 1 ω ; nymphs 0-2-1-3-9 + 1 ω . Seta inf of the palpfemur found in the protonymph. The pedi- palps of the immatures show the highly unusual setal arrangement of the tarsus which also char- acterizes the adult, with the subultimal seta being absent and an additional non-eupathidial ventral seta being found instead. Chelicerae and infra- capitulum of larva and nymphs are very similar to those of the adult, barring differences in size and proportion. The number and arrangement of cheliceral teeth is identical. Suture of labio-genal articulation is not visible in immatures, being re- presented by a integumental fold. Legs (Figs 16-18). Five free segments present. Legs are not or only slightly sclerotized. Leg IV absent in larva, present in nymphs. Larval seta d of genua minute, with the associated solenidion σ bent very close to the segment, posteriorly di- rected, baculate. In nymphs the genual seta d and its associated solenidion are both erect, of normal length, being about similar in size. Fa- mulus fully emergent in all juvenile stages, not minute and not sunken in a sclerotized cup. So- lenidial formulae are: larva: I (1-1-1), II (1-1-1), III (1-1-0); protonymph I (1-1-2), II (1-1-1), III (1- 1-0), IV (0-0-0); deutonymph: I (1-2-2), II (1-1-2), III (1-1-0), IV (0-1-0); tritonymph I (1-2-2), II (1- 1-2), III (1-1-0), IV (0-1-0). The solenidotaxy of the tritonymph corresponds to that of the adult. The leg setation, where the adult possesses a femoral setation of 7-6-3-2 and a tibial setation of 5-5-4-4 with seta d on tibia I retained, is as follows: larva: I (0-2-3-4-16), II (0-2-3-3-13), III (0-2-2-3-13); protonymph: I (0-3-3-4-16), II (0-3- 3-3-13), III (1-2-2-3-13), IV (0-0-0-0-7); deuto- nymph: I (1-4-4-5-16), II (1-3-4-4-13), III (2-3-3- 4-13), IV (1-2-3-3-12); tritonymph: I (1-5-4-5-18), II (1-4-4-5-15), III (2-3-3-4-15), IV (1-2-3-4-12). Seta l´ on femur I and II are protonymphal in origin. Seta d on tibia I is retained in the adult,