Carolinea 74

L amos : Tokukobelba gen. nov. (Acari: Oribatida: Damaeidae) 59 where reliably known. Setae arising in the adult are: femur I: v1´, v2´´; femur II: v´, v´´; tarsus I: (v1), (v2); tarsus II: (v1), v2´´; tarsus III-IV: (v). In species with 4 setae on femur III, it is very likely that l´ arises in the deutonymph and v´ in the adult on this segment. Where 5 setae occur on femur III, v´ and v´´ are here probably added in the adult stage. The description of the larva and nymphs is based on T compta , whose adults are similar to those of T mongolica . For the remaining species the ontogenetic stages have not yet been described. Species composition The following species belong to the new genus: Tokukobelba mongolica ( B ayartogtokh , 2000) comb. nov. (= Belba m .) type species Tokukobelba barbata ( F ujita & F ujikawa , 1986) comb. nov. (= Belba b .) Tokukobelba compta ( K ulczy ń ski , 1902) comb. nov. (= Oribata comptus , = Belba c .) Tokukobelba farinosa ( T rägårdh , 1902) comb. nov. (= Oribata f ., = Damaeus farinosus ) Tokukobelba japonica ( A oki , 1984) comb. nov. (= Belba verrucosa j .) Tokukobelba itsukiensis ( F ujikawa , 2011) comb. nov. (= Belba i .) Tokukobelba sellnicki ( B ulanova - Z achvatkina , 1962) comb. nov. (= Belba s .) Tokukobelba verrucosa ( B ulanova - Z achvatkina , 1962) comb. nov. (= Belba v .) Species key 1 Femur III with 5 setae; apophyses Ba, Bp present; notogastral setae c1-h3 slender, flag- ellate, length of seta c1 is 2x distance c1-c1; sensillus smooth in distal half, barbed for 1/5 of its length; setae ex, ro, la, in with dense short barbs; tubercles associated with epime- ral setae of about same size on all epimeres; body length 407 µm . . . . . T itsukiensis – Femur III with less than 5 setae . . . . . .2 2 Femur III with 4 setae; notogastral setae c1- h3 thick, attenuate, very sparsely barbed, elongate, seta c1 > distance c1-c1; sensillus barbed in middle third; setae ex, ro, la, in with short barbs; tubercles associated with setae of epimeres III and IV about 3x the diameter of those of epimeres I and II; body length 350 µm . . . . . . . . . . . T . barbata – Femur III with 3 setae .. . . . . . . . . 3 3 Exobothridial setae thick, with dense, long barbs; on tibia IV seta d distinctly barbed, simi- lar in length and thickness to l´ and v´; sensil- lus barbed for most of its length; notogastral setae thick, very short, with conspicuous elon- gate barbs, seta c1 < distance c1-c1; anterior lateral margin of pedotectum I and II smooth; apophysis Ba present, Bp absent; femur II with 6 setae, tibia III with 5 setae; body length 420- 460 µm . . . . . . . . . . . T . s ellnicki – Exobothridial seta thin, smooth; on tibia IV seta d smooth, thinner and less than 0,5-x the length of l´ and v´ if present; sensillus barbed in middle third, distally flagellate . . . . . 4 4 Notogastral setae short, attenuate, setae lm, lp shorter than distance lm-lp in dorsal view; body length 350 µm . . . . . . T . japonica – Notogastral setae elongate, attenuate, setae lm, lp longer than distance lm-lp in dorsal view; anterior margin of pedotectum I and II distinctly dentate; body length > 400 µm . . 5 5 Femur II with 4 setae; tibia III with 3 setae; body length 417-457 µm . . . T . mongolica – Femur II with more than 4 setae; tibia III with 4 setae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 6 Femora I and II with 5 setae each; body length 460-560 µm . . . . . . . . . T . verrucosa – Femora I and II with 7 and 6 setae respec- tively; body length 500-620 µm . . T compta This key is provisional and, except for T compta , bases on the original descriptions. Almost all in- cluded species are only very briefly documented and require extensive redescription. Geographical distribution Tokukobelba has a widespread occurrence within the Palaearctic realm, but is unknown from both the Nearctic and Neotropical regions. Tokukobelba compta has been collected in Aus- tria ( F ranz 1943, S chuster 1955, S chatz 1978, 1979, 1983, S chmölzer 1994), the Czech Repu­ blic ( W illmann 1939, S tarý 1994, 2005, M aterna 2000, M ourek & M iko 2010), Denmark ( N orton 1977a, W arncke et al. 1991), Finland ( N ordberg 1936, S trenzke 1952, K arppinen 1956, 1958, 1977, N iemi & H uhta 1981, N iemi et al. 1997, P enttinen et al. 2008, H uhta et al. 2010), Ger- many ( S trenzke 1952, E ngelmann 1972, T aylor & W olters 2005), Great Britain ( L uxton 1996), Hungary ( B alogh 1943), Iceland ( S trenzke 1952, G jelstrup & S olhøy 1994, I ngimarsdóttir et al. 2012), Italy ( B ernini et al. 1995, S chatz 2008, W ilhalm 2009), Latvia ( B aranovska 2007, I to 2011), Norway ( T hor 1930, 1937, C adwalladr 1969, K arppinen 1971, S eniczak et al. 2013) and the arctic volcanic island Jan Mayen belonging