Carolinea 74

62 Carolinea 74 (2016) Integument. Colour light to medium chestnut- brown. Cuticle finely microtuberculate. Besides the microtubercles and the strongly sclerotized apophyses numerous large cuticular tuber- cles with a diameter of mostly 4-6 µm present on epimeres I-IV. Cerotegument clear, white in colour; covers most of external body surface. Cerotegument very thick on prodorsum, seju- gal region, epimeral region and proximal leg segments; absent on chelicerae and pedipalps. Distal part of tarsi usually cerotegument-free. Cerotegument granular to tuberculate. Cero- tegumental granules on prodorsum, epimeres and notogaster evenly spaced with a diameter of 1-2 µm. Prodorsum (Figs 1, 3) . Tip of rostral tectum rounded in dorsal view, not incised. Rostrum dis- tinctly projecting anteroventrally in lateral view. Measured from the rostral tip to the dorsoseju- gal groove in lateral perspective, the length of the prodorsum (204 µm) approximately equals its width (198 µm). The rostral and lamellar se- tae initially are curved laterad and then strongly inwards towards the sagittal plane. The latter are strongly barbed while the former display only a few minute barbs. Seta la (85 µm) > ro (73 µm). Mutual distance between insertion points of se- tae la: 40 µm < ro: 64 µm. Exobothridial setae thin, attenuate, short (35 µm). Sensillus extreme- ly long (226 µm), initially smooth, isodiametric and bilaterally barbed in the middle region, be- coming smooth, flagellate and undulating in the distal third. Bothridium directed dorsally and slightly posterolaterad, irregularly funnel shaped with a fairly large opening, and proximally with indistinct internal ring-like ridges. Interlamellar setae short (69 µm), straight and rod-like, thin, bilaterally barbed, attenuate. Apophyses Aa, Ap, centroprodorsal groove and associated ridges strongly developed. Prodorsum with a central el- evation between bothridia, distinctly higher than these in lateral view. Postbothridial apophysis Ba conspicuous, Bp represented by a ridge of thick- ened integument. Apophyses Da, Dp, La, Lp, P absent. Anterior apophysis Ala of anterolateral enantiophysis present. Posterior anterolateral apophysis Alp represented by a large tubercle. Notogaster (Figs 1, 3). Notogastral length 377 (360-397) µm, width 328 (305-347) µm. Noto- gaster slightly ovate, observed from a viewpoint perpendicular to the circumgastric scissure about 1,15 times as long as wide. In lateral perspec- tive hemispherical and robust, maximum thick- ness about 190 µm; dorsal margin almost evenly rounded, only anteriorly between setae c2 and lm slightly flattened. Dorsoventral thickness of hysterosoma, measured perpendicular to the im- aginary line connecting the tip of the rostrum and the posterior margin of the ventral plate is about 300 µm. Spinae adnatae absent. 11 pairs of noto- gastral setae present. Setae of c-, l- and h-series short to medium in length, slender, tapering, light- ly barbed, strongly bent near the base, and lying close to the notogastral surface. In dorsal view se- tal pair c1 directed posteriad; remaining setae of c-, l- and h-series directed posteriad and slightly laterad. Their length ranges from 63-96 µm, with the posteriormost setae being the shortest. Dis- tance between insertion points of setae c1-c2 (35 µm) much less than that between setae c2-la (70 µm). Setae ps1 (50 µm), ps2 (28 µm), ps3 (23 µm) thin, short. Opening of latero-opisthono- tal gland gla and lyrifissures ia, im, ip, ih and ips well developed, the latter two only visible in lat- eral view. Distance ia-im = 2x im-ip. Gnathosoma (Figs 8, 9). Mentum slightly wider than long, medio-posteriad with two slightly irre- gular clusters of sigillae of pharyngeal muscles. Genae anteriorly with pedipalps and a very short supracoxal seta e. Mentum forms a process which extends anteriad under the genuae at their basal meeting point, giving the impression of a spine in ventral view. Labrum elongate, arrow- like, with an acute tip anteriorly. Subcapitular setae h, m, a bilaterally barbed, tapering, medi- oventrally curved and of medium length; relative lengths: h ≥ m > a. Ventral surfaces of mentum and genuae distinctly microtuberculate. Rutella with three rounded weakly sclerotized teeth and a larger, more strongly sclerotized central tooth; rutellar brush situated on paraxial surface. Late- ral lip anteriomediad with a long weakly sclero- ticized, membranous triangular tip, distally with slender, smooth, needle-like adoral setae or1 and or2. Dorsal manubrial area porosa forms border between rutella and gena. Area porosae also situated on antiaxial side of genae and in the cheliceral groove. Chelicera moderately elongate with a length of 117 µm and a height of 46 µm. Digitus fixus and digitus mobilis both robust, the former with 5, the latter with 4 large, triangular teeth. Ratio of length (37 µm) to height (17 µm) of digitus mobilus is 2,2:1. Point of articulation of cheliceral digits ap- proximately ventrad insertion point of seta chb.