Carolinea 74

L amos : Tokukobelba gen. nov. (Acari: Oribatida: Damaeidae) 65 Seta cha situated in a dorsal to slightly paraxial position, directed anteriad, long (44 µm), evenly barbed with dense small barbs, with a ventral bend in the distal half and gently tapering at the tip. Seta chb slightly shorter (33 µm), antiaxial- ly situated, barbed with the longest barbs near the midpoint. Paraxial surface with three minute chitinous spines sp posteriad cha. Body wall ob- liquely attached to roughly the proximal third of the chelicerae. A conspicuous very large area porosa present antiaxially, distal to line of attach- ment of cheliceral sheath. A second small area porosa situated in ventral part of digitus mobi- lis. A striated fossa fc situated on the antiaxial side and two unstriated fossae on the paraxial side. Trägardh´s organ Trg long, fingerlike, taper- ing, on paraxial side. Coxal opx, ventral opv and paraxial oncophyses op´ present. Pedipalpi slender, with a length measured from femur to tarsus of 108 µm. Setal formula: 0-2-1- 3-9 + ω . Femur antiaxially with a large oval dor- solateral porose area. Femoral setae inf, sup, genual setae d, l´´, and tibial setae l´, l´´ acumi- nate with distinct rows of small barbs; inf (50 µm) and d (46 µm) longest and thickest. Solenidion ω (15 µm) prone, baculate. Eupathidia acm, ul´, ul´´ distally on tarsus, baculate and short, with a length of approximately 6 µm. Subultimal eupathidium sul absent. Tarsal setae cm, it´, it´´, vt´, vt´´ smooth, slender; cm (28 µm) longest with the remainder measuring about 22 µm. An un­ usual third ventral seta vt2´ occurs axially. Three- dimensional arrangement of tarsal setae with respect to the tarsal axis is constant and highly specific, as shown (Fig. 8b). Epimeral region ( Figs 2, 3). Parastigmatic apo- physis Sa small, tuberculate, Apophysis Sp simi- lar in appearance to Sa. Discidium subtriangu- lar. Well developed ventrosejugal enantiophysis spans the ventrosejugal groove. Apophysis Va multituberculate, Vp monotuberculate. Apophys- es E2a of propodoventral enantiophyses multitu- berculate, E2b monotuberculate, indistinct. Very large apophysis E4a present. Epimeral setation 3-1-3-3. All epimeral setae short, roughly 23 µm in length, smooth or with rare minute barbs, in- serted on conspicuous tubercles, with those on Figure 3. Tokukobelba compta adult, lateral aspect.