Carolinea 74

66 Carolinea 74 (2016) epimeres III and IV greatly enlarged. Numerous smaller cuticular tubercles not associated with any setae are present on the acetabular tecta and laterally on epimeres I-IV, giving these a dentate margin in ventral perspective. Internal apodemes of epimeres III and IV strongly sclero- tized and very conspicuous. Epimeral groove IV deep and very distinct. Anogenital region (Figs 2, 3). Six pairs of genital, 1 pair of aggenital, 2 pairs of anal and 3 pairs of adanal setae present. Anal plates with a conspicu- ous thickened reflexed rim. Genital and anal plates situated close together. Setae ad3 laterally insert- ed, their distance from the anal plate is more than twice that of seta ad2. Anal and adanal setae short (25 µm) and smooth. Lyrifissure ian a small slit in Figure 5. Tokukobelba compta adult, femur to tarsus of leg II, antiaxial aspect. Figure 4. Tokukobelba compta adult, femur to tarsus of leg I, antiaxial aspect.