Carolinea 74

L amos : Tokukobelba gen. nov. (Acari: Oribatida: Damaeidae) 69 the anterolateral corner of the anal valve, anteriad seta an2. Aggenital setae ag (49 µm) lateroventrad genital plates, slightly longer but otherwise similar in appearance to genital setae (28 µm). Legs (Figs 4-7). Leg segments clavate to sub- moniliform except for tarsi; often with slightly wrinkled integument on bulbs, particularly the femora. In specimens well cleared in lactic acid internal muscle scars visible on femora, tibiae and to a lesser extent the tarsi. Trochanters I and II much shorter than trochanters III and IV. An area porosa positioned dorsally to mediodorsally on the proximal region of the bulbs of femur I-IV and on trochanter III and IV. Trochanters III and IV with a ventro-distal protectum. Tectum and area porosa absent on trochanter I and II. Legs short. Lengths of legs I-IV are: 453 µm, 366 µm, 446 µm, 544 µm. Relative lengths of legs I-IV are 1: 0,81: 0,98: 1,20. Leg IV short, measuring about 1,07 times the ventral body length. Lengths of the individual leg segments from trochanter to tarsus are: leg I: 31 µm, 156 µm, 49 µm, 80 µm, 165 µm; leg II: 26 µm, 128 µm, 37 µm, 59 µm, 139 µm; leg III: 78 µm, 111 µm, 46 µm, 82 µm, 171 µm; leg IV: 116 µm, 125 µm, 53 µm, 98 µm, 190 µm. Trochanteral setation 1-1-2-1. Femoral setation 7-6-3-2. Genual setation 4-4-3-3; genual associated setal formula 1-1-1-0. Tibial setation 5-5-4-4; tibial associated setal formula 1-1-1-1. Tarsal setation 22-18-17-14, including famulus. Leg solenidial formula: I (1-2-2), II (1-1-2), III (1-1-0), IV (0-1-0). Adult chaetotaxy with number of solenidia in brackets: I 1-7-4(1)-5(2)-22(2) II 1-6-4(1)-5(1)-18(2) III 2-3-3(1)-4(1)-17 IV 1-2-3-4(1)-14 Most setae inserted on conspicuous tubercles. Setae d on femora I-IV darkly pigmented, thick, conspicuously barbed, strongly developed; re- maining setae, except for some lateral setae, generally much thinner, of lighter colour and with finer barbs. Only setae d, ev´, l´´ found on femur III, and d, ev´ found on femur IV. Setae v2´ and v2´´ present on tarsus I, and v2´ on tarsus II. Setae d of genua I-III barbed, almost as long as their short coupled solenidia σ I (39 µm), σ II (34 µm), σ III (42 µm). Seta d of tibia I very slen- der, smooth, diminutive (22 µm) much shorter Figure 9. Tokukobelba compta adult, infracapitulum, ventral aspect.