Carolinea 74

L amos : Tokukobelba gen. nov. (Acari: Oribatida: Damaeidae) 71 than its coupled solenidion φ 1 (158 µm). Setae d of tibia II-IV are short (15-23 µm), thin, but not as slim as seta d of leg I, and without barbs. They measure about 0,27, 0,19 and 0,11 of the lengths of their associated solenidia φ II (51 µm), φ III (98 µm) and φ IV (155 µm), respectively. Tibial solenidia φ 1 on leg I and φ on leg IV very elon- gate, flagellate and tactile. Solenidia σ I, σ II, σ III, φ 2I (44 µm) and φ I short and approximately cer- atiform, curved towards the ambulacrum. Tarsal solenidia ω 1I, ω 2l, ω 1II and ω 2II short, rod-like. Solenidion ω 1I about 1,3 times the length of ω 2I; ω 1II and ω 2II roughly similar in length. Famulus ε short, (17 µm), smooth, strongly tapering. Larva and nymphs With the general characteristics of their genus. Eggs. Length 232 µm, width 102 µm, elongate, ovoid in shape. Egg shells lightly sclerotized, am- ber brown in colour after immersion in lactic acid, and with a distinct porose surface pattern. The pore density is roughly 64 per 1.000 square µm. Females may carry up to 5 large eggs at a time in the oviducts or vagina. Body Dimensions. Larva: length 220 µm, width 110 µm. Protonymph: length 280 µm, width 146 µm. Deutonymph: length 322 µm, width 152 µm. Tritonymph: length 412 µm, width 216 µm. Length and especially width vary somewhat de- pending on the degree of body distension. Integument. Cuticle of body smooth, transparent and white to pale yellow in colour. Gnathosoma, some setal apophyses and sclerites, notogastral cornicle and legs lightly sclerotized, light brown. The extent of sclerotization is most pronounced in the tritonymph and least in the larva. Cerote- gument granular, very thick, covers most of body and legs and setal bases. Granules spherical in dorsal view, tuberculate to conical or bottle- shaped in lateral view, mostly with a diameter of 1-2 µm or less. Prodorsum in larva and nymphs with a conspicuous brown cerotegumental cap anteromediad the bothridia (Figs 9-10). Cero- tegumental granules small (diameter 1 µm in tritonymph) densely packed in central region of cap; but appearing substantially larger and puffy in the periphery, due to the cerotegumental gra- nules there being irregularly fused at their bases and forming discrete clusters. Cerotegument thicker, with slightly larger granules in tritonymph than in earlier stages. Setae of prodorsum, noto- gaster and legs light to very dark brown, with a hyaline base. Degree of pigmentation much less in ventral setae. Notogaster of at least larva and Figure 12. Tokukobelba compta larva, lateral view.