Carolinea 74

L amos : Tokukobelba gen. nov. (Acari: Oribatida: Damaeidae) 73 protonymph with a regular reticulate pattern be- tween approximately the insertion points of setae lp, h1, h2 and the opisthonotal gland opening. Prodorsum (Figs 10, 12, 13, 15). Short, about half the length of the notogastral region in lateral perspective. Rostrum broadly rounded. Interla- mellar seta of moderate length (30 µm), barbed and attenuate in larva; very short (5 µm) and truncate in nymphs. Sensillus very long, (larva 175 µm; protonymph 190 µm; tritonymph 275 µm) barbed in the middle region, distally flagellate and undulating. Exobothridial seta straight, short, uni- laterally barbed in larva, smooth or with sparse minute barbs in nymphs. Rostral setae of larva barbed, about similar in length (37 µm) to the smooth lamellar setae. Rostral setae in nymphs barbed, slightly shorter (tritonymph 72 µm) than the smooth lamellar setae (tritonymph 86 µm). Notogaster (Figs 10-15). The 12 pairs of noto- gastral setae of the larva display a substantial range of size and form. Setae c1 (188 µm), c2 (182 µm), da (130 µm), dm (112 µm), dp (208 µm) and lp (203 µm) are thick, elongate, dark col- oured, bilaterally barbed and with flagellate tips which are very frequently broken off. Setae c3 (27 µm), la (47 µm) and lm (52 µm) differ from these in being thinner, shorter, not possessing pronounced flagellate tips and in that they insert on much smaller apophyses. They resemble the former in being densely barbed and in their dark brown colour. Larval seta c3 is unusual in being straight, orientated approximately perpendicular to the long axis of the body in dorsal aspect. Se- tae h1 (80 µm), h2 (30 µm) are smooth and thin with h3 (9 µm) being minute and exceptionally slender. Setae h1 and h3 insert on tubercles. The nymphal setation differs from that of the larva in that dorsocentral setae are absent and pseudanal setae ps1, ps2 and ps3 are present instead. Furthermore setae c3, la, lp, are all much longer in the nymphal stages relative to the body length. The setae of the c-, l- and h-series are thick, elongate, dark coloured, conspicuously bilaterally barbed (except h1) and with flagel- late tips, Their dark brown strongly sclerotized basal apophyses are situated on relatively large sclerites of a lighter colour. Setal pairs c1 and c2 located on a single fused sclerite in nymphs. Setal pair h1 similarly placed on a single com- mon sclerite. Setal measurements for the prot- onymph are as follows. The longest are pair h1 (210 µm) which are smooth and characteristically Figure 15. Tokukobelba compta protonymph, lateral view.