Carolinea 74

L amos : Tokukobelba gen. nov. (Acari: Oribatida: Damaeidae) 77 straight along most of their length. Very elongate setae are also c3 (171 µm), c1 (140 µm) and c2 (133 µm). The setae of the l- series, la (108 µm), lm (100 µm), lp (91 µm) and also h3 (88 µm) are somewhat shorter. Shortest are the smooth h2 (34 µm) and the unbarbed, thin pseudanal se- tae ps1-ps3 which range in length between 20 and 30 µm. The relative setal lengths in the tri- tonymph are very similar to those in the proto­ nymph, being only somewhat longer. Legs (Figs 16-18). Solenidion σ on genu I-III, φ on tibia II-III and its homologue φ 1 on tibia I, as well as ω 1 on tarsus I-II are larval in origin. So- lenidion ω 2 on tarsus I first arises in the proto- nymph. Solenidia φ 2 on tibia I, φ on tibia IV, and ω 2 on tarsus II, are deutonymphal in appearance as in the vast majority of Brachypylina. The sole- nidotaxy of the tritonymph corresponds to that of the adult. Solenidial formulae are: larva: I (1-1-1) II (1-1-1) III (1-1-0) protonymph: I (1-1-2) II (1-1-1) III (1-1-0) IV (0-0-0) deutonymph: I (1-2-2) II (1-1-2) III (1-1-0) IV (0-1-0) tritonymph: I (1-2-2) II (1-1-2) III (1-1-0) IV (0-1-0) Leg setation formulae including famulus: larva: I (0-2-3-4-16) II (0-2-3-3-13) III (0-2-2-3-13) protonymph: I (0-3-3-4-16) II (0-3-3-3-13) III (1-2-2-3-13) IV (0-0-0-0-7) deutonymph: I (1-4-4-5-16) II (1-3-4-4-13) III (2-3-3-4-13) IV (1-2-4-3-12) tritonymph: I (1-5-4-5-18) II (1-4-4-5-15) III (2-3-3-4-15) IV (1-2-3-4-12) adult: I (1-7-4-5-22) II (1-6-4-5-18) III (2-3-3-4-17) IV (1-2-3-4-14) Fundamental setae present in the larva are: fe- mur I-II: d, bv´´; femur III: d, ev´; genu I-II: d, (l); genu III: d, l´; tibia I: d, (l), v´; tibia II-III: d, l´, v´; tarsus I: (ft), (tc), (p), (u), (a), s, (pv), (pl), e; tarsus II-III: (ft), (tc), (p), (u), (a), s, (pv). This conforms to the standard damaeid pattern. Setae of proto- nymphal origin are: trochanter III: v´; femur I-II: l´; tarsus IV: ft´´, (p), (u), (pv). Setae of deutonym- phal origin are: trochanter I-II: v´; trochanter III: l´; femur I-II: l´´; femur III: l´: femur IV: d, ev´; genu I-III: v´; genu IV: d, l´, v´; tibia I, III: v´´; tibia II: l´´; tibia IV: d, l´, v´; tarsus IV: (tc), (a), s. Setae of tritonymphal origin are: trochanter IV: v´; femur I: v1´´; tibia II, IV: v´´; tarsus I-III: (it). Setae arising in the adult are: femur I: v1´, v2´´; femur II: v´, v´´; tarsus I: (v1), (v2); tarsus II: (v1), v2´´; tarsus III-IV: (v). The adult retains an associated seta d on tibia I-IV. Solenidia of genu I-III and of tibiae of all legs each coupled with a companion seta d in larva, nymphs and adult. 5 Taxonomy of Tokukobelba The excellently documented Tokukobelba mon­ golica was chosen as type species of Tokuko­ belba . The most ancient member of the new ge- nus is T compta . The original description of this species in the classic work of K ulczy ń ski (1902a), outstanding for its time, suffices to clearly locate the species in Tokukobelba . Nevertheless, it is very short, and only the dorsal perspective of the whole mite and lateral views of legs I and IV are illustrated. During the past 114 years numerous authors have briefly described T compta in de- termination keys or faunal lists ( S ellnick 1929, 1960, W illmann 1931, S trenzk e 1952, S chweizer 1956, B ulanova - Z achvatkina 1962, M iko 2006a) or commented on aspects of its morphology such as N orton (1977a, b), who remarks on the seta- tion of femora III and IV, or M ourek & M iko (2011), who investigated the ontogeny of the famulus. Nevertheless, a substantial amount of unclar- ity and lack of knowledge about the identity and morphology of T compta has remained. Identity of Tokukobelba compta . S eniczak et al. (2013) recently described T . compta from speci- mens found in a bog close to Bergen in southern Norway. They describe adults of T . compta as displaying: trochanteral setation 1-1-2-2; femoral setation 7-6-4-4; tibial setation 4-5-4-4 with tibia of leg I without an associated seta d; tarsal seta- tion 20-17-17-14 with setae (v2) absent on leg I and v2´ absent on leg II; apophysis Da present, apophyses Ala, Alp absent; epimeral region with- out large tubercles on which the epimeral setae insert and without conspicuous apophysis E4a. In every one of these traits their species deviates greatly from the Tokukobelba collected in Heidel- berg. S eniczak & S eniczak (2013) describe the larva, tritonymph and adult of Belba corynopus from southern Poland. For this species they give: trochanteral setation 1-1-2-2; femoral setation 7-6-4-4; tarsal setation 20-17-17-14, epime-