Carolinea 74

78 Carolinea 74 (2016) ral setation 3-1-3-3. The leg setal scores in my specimens of B . corynopus from Mannheim were instead: trochanter 1-1-2-1; femur 7-7-5-5; tar- sus 20-17-16-13, corresponding to those given for the species by G randjean (1936, p. 65). Here seta v1´ is found on each of tarsi III and IV with v1´´ being absent on these segments. The inser- tion point of seta pv´ on tarsus IV in this species experiences a significant distal shift during on- togeny, while pv´´ remains inserted on the tar- sal bulb in the adult, mimicking seta v´´. Like the specimens found by G randjean (1936), the ones discovered by me in Mannheim had an epimeral setation of 4-4-4-4. The T compta specimen illustrated by S eniczak et al. (2013, p. 295, Figs 1-3) exhibits a typical Toku­ kobelba habitus, however, with the body dimen- sions, notogastral setation, sensillus, interlamel- lar setae and several other features being very similar to the specimens collected by me. Their specimens also show: 1) apophyses Aa, Ap, Ba present with Bp absent; 2) verrucose sculptur- ing; 3) epimeral groove IV distinct. The larva and tritonymphs partially described by S eniczak et al. (2013) show a good fit to the T compta from Heidelberg. Most notably their tritonymphs also show the highly elongate notogastral seta c3. They differ in that they apparently lack the dis- tinct prodorsal cerotegumental cap and instead are described as possessing large granules of cerotegument in the medial part of the prodor- sum ( S eniczak et al. 2013, p. 296). Except for a detailed drawing of the tibia and tarsus of a leg I of the tritonymph, the leg setation of the larva and tritonymphs is not sufficiently well document- ed by these authors. The illustration ( S enicza k et al. 2013, p. 295, Fig. 3) shows their tritonymph to differ from the species studied by me in display- ing a smooth seta d on tibia I and in missing a seta on the tarsal bulb. The seta lacking is prob- ably pl´, with the more distal of the primiventral setal pair in the illustration labelled (pv) presum- ably being seta pl´´. Based on the description of S eniczak et al. (2013) their species is clearly not conspecific to the Tokukobelba I found in Heidelberg. Nevertheless, although it seems to miss several of the major diagnostic character states shown by the other members of Tokukobelba it still appears to be- long to the genus. Its morphology conflicts, how- ever, with the original description of T compta . K ulczy ń ski (1902a, p. 43) presented the following species diagnosis of T . compta : “cephalothoracis lateribus inter pedes I et II rotundatis, eminentia pseudostigmata gerenti in latere postico tuberculis duobus ornata, organis pseudostigmaticis flagelli- formibus, notogastere modice et subaequabiliter convexa, spinis adnatis carenti, eius pilis dorsali- bus parum elevatis, anticis duobus retro directis, pedibus moniliformibus, eorum pilis modice long- is, unguibus monodactylus, coxa IV longitudine femur aequanti saltem. Long. 0.55 mm”. Based on this as well as on the more comprehensive spe- cies description, written in Latin, and the three il- lustrations presented by K ulczy ń ski (1902a), the species may be characterized as follows: Body length 550 µm; body width 360 µm. Prodor- sum broad, in dorsal perspective with a rounded lobe laterally between legs I and II. Rostral se- tae and lamellar setae inserted close to rostral margin in dorsal view. Lamellar setae inserted slightly medial and posterior to the rostral setae, longer than the latter. Bulge of the acetabula of leg I moderately convex. Propodolateral apo- physis absent. Laterally situated tubercles Ba present. Tubercles Bp, Da, Dp absent. Laterally between legs II and III with a short, subacute, outwardly directed apophysis Sa. Dorsoseju- gal groove and centroprodorsal groove distinct. Apophyses Aa and Ap of prodorsal enantiophy- sis present, former apophysis acute-tipped and associated with a short carina. Bothridium situ- ated on a prominence and directed dorsally and slightly laterally and posteriorly. Sensillus long (240 µm), flagelliform; in proximal straight part with very fine barbs. Interlamellar seta short, di- rected mediad and posteriad. Exobothridial seta oriented dorsally and somewhat laterally, very little to the posterior. Notogaster in dorsal view somewhat longer (390 µm) than wide (340 µm), elliptical. In lateral view of only moderate height and almost sym- metrically convex. Spinae adnatae absent. Ante- rior notogastral margin without a sulcus and with- out tubercles. Discidium at the base of coxa IV acute or obtuse, not recurved. Dorsal notogastral setae all of medium length, moderately curved, lying close to the notogastral surface, but distally not touching the latter. Setae c2-h3 on both sides arranged in a slightly curved line, directed poste- riad and slightly laterad. Setae c1 more medially inserted, directed posteriad. Anteriormost two setal pairs c1 and c2 arched, slightly recurved; distance between adjacent setae subequal. Legs I and II strongly moniliform; legs III and IV moderately moniliform. Leg setae mostly of mod- erate length. Ungues monodactyle. Segment lengths of leg I: femur 160 µm, genu 49 µm, tibia