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80 Carolinea 74 (2016) the tubercles which are characteristic of T verru­ cosa . He also does not mention these in his text. These are two of the traits distinguishing the spe- cies which are employed by B ulanova - Z achvatkina (1962, p. 209-210, 1975, p. 134) in her species keys of Belba . She also states (1962, p. 209-210) that T compta further differs from T verrucosa in the absence of sclerotized prodorsal ridges and in the relatively longer interlamellar setae. However, K ulczy ń ski (1902a, p. 43) comments in considerable detail on the ridges and sulci of the prodorsum of T compta in his text, and the differences in the lengths of the interlamellar setae between the two species may be consid- ered to be minor. The notogastral setae of the T. compta specimens examined by me were very lightly barbed, but this is only visible at high mag- nification. Assuming that barbs were present, it would be readily understandable that these were not seen or not shown by K ulczy ń ski (1902a). Similarly, not too much significance should be attached to the absence of a dentate prodorsal margin in the very brief account of K ulczy ń ski (1902a). The Latin word “compta” means ‘deco- rated’ or ‘ornamented’ and may be a reference to the eye-catching tubercles of the species The synonymy of T compta and T verrucosa sensu B ulanova - Z achvatkina (1962) is possible but not yet proven. B ulanova - Z achvatkina (1962) depicts the latter in her very concise descrip- tion as possessing only a single median seta on each epimere II instead of the 4 portrayed by M iko (2006a). No type appears to have been designated for T verrucosa , but the first speci- mens collected and on which the description was based do not originate from Central Europe ( B ulanova - Z achvatkina 1962). Based on the shaky evidence at our disposal T . verrucosa is there- fore not a synonym of T . compta sensu M iko (2006a). The identification of a specimen as be- ing either T compta or T verrucosa during the past 50 years has up to now primarily depended on the author of the identification key employed. Tokukobelba verrucosa needs to be redescribed from topotypic material to determine whether or not the species is a synonym of the Tokukobelba species from Heidelberg. W an g & N orton (1995) describe T verrucosa from China, but do not mention T compta .The leg chaetotaxy of their specimens is identical to that of T compta from southern Germany, but appar- ently different to that of T verrucosa from Russia in that these possess 5 setae each on femora I-II ( B ulanova - Z achvatkina 1962, p. 264). The illustra- tion that K ulczy ń ski (1902a) gives of the legs I and IV (tab. IV, Figs 64, 65) of T compta in many aspects agrees with the specimens from China and also with those from Germany. Although the numbers of setae in K ulczy ń ski (1902a) dif- fer from those in W ang & N orton (1995), the size and shape of the individual segments and the lengths and positions of major setae indicate a very close overall correspondence. Oribata farinosa T rägårdh , 1902, a species name very rarely encountered in the damaeid literature, is recombined as Damaeus ( Epi­ damaeus ) farinosus by S ubías (2004, p. 79). An inspection of the brief original description by T rägårdh (1902) shows that the leg setation of this species is not sufficiently well described to reliably ascertain the tibial associated setation. Furthermore, spinae adnatae are not described for this species and the illustrations of the dorsal and lateral views of Oribata farinosa by T rägårdh (1902, Fig. 1, 5-6) show these to be definitely absent. The sensillus of O . farinosa is identical in appearance to the highly distinctive sensillus of T compta . The length, shape and insertions of the notogastral setae agree well with those of T compta as depicted by K ulczy ń ski (1902a) as does the overall body shape and the short legs, with leg IV only very slightly longer than the body. K ulczy ń ski (1902a, p. 43) and T rägårdh (1902, p. 16) give identical body lengths of 0,55 mm for O . comptus and O . farinosa , respectively, and both depict the femur IV as possessing only two setae ( K ulczy ń ski 1902a, pl. 4, Fig. 64, T rägårdh 1902, Fig. 1, 9), which can be seen to be d and ev´. Some years later T rägårdh (1910) redescribed O . farinosa in more detail from additional speci- mens which, like the ones he collected ear- lier, originate from sites in Lapland Province in Northern Sweden. He recombines O . farinosa to Damaeus farinosus ( T rägårdh 1910). Here he illustrates the prodorsal apophyses Aa and Ap ( T rägårdh 1910, p. 521, Fig. 294) as well as the large tubercles on which the epimeral setae insert. It can be seen that the structure which ap- pears to be an apophysis P in the earlier pub- lication ( T rägårdh 1902, Fig. 1.5.) is just the large acetabulum II. ( T rägårdh 1910, Fig. 294). A prominent apophysis E4a is found in this species ( T rägårdh 1910, p. 522, Fig. 297). Oribata farino­ sa therefore clearly belongs to Tokukobelba and is a potential synonym of T . compta . Since T . farinosa and T compta were both pub- lished in the same year, this raises the question