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90 Carolinea 74 (2016) E4a, with E4b being absent. In T mongolica and T japonica the tubercles of seta 4a are some- what smaller ( A oki 1984, F ujita & F ujikawa 1986), while they are seemingly missing in T itsukiensis ( F ujikawa 2011). Enantiophysis E4 is very seldomly found in the Oribatida, although its presence has been noted in, for example, the genus Epieremulus B erlese , 1916, ( N orton & B ehan - P elletier 2009), within the Anderemaeidae as well as in the genera Caleremaeus B erlese , 1910, ( N orton & B ehan - P elletier 2009, pers. obs.), and Veloppia ( N or - ton 1978b, C hen & W ang 2002) within the closely related Caleremaeidae. All of these differ from Tokukobelba in displaying apophysis E4p, but in each case a seta homologous to seta 4a of Toku­ kobelba inserts on apophysis E4a. Verrucose ornamentation In contrast to all other damaeid mites, Tokuko­ belba , where reliably known, possesses numer- ous striking moderately sized tubercles situated on the acetabular tecta and the lateral epimeral regions other than the larger apophyses associ- ated with the epimeral setae or the posterior epi- meral margins I and II (Figs 2, 3). Such extreme tuberculate cuticular ornamentation is unknown in other Damaeidae, where any significant pro- dorsal or epimeral sculpturing is exception- ally rare. Based on the original description Epi­ damaeus verrucatus E nami & F ujikawa , 1989, and E . fragilis E nami & F ujikawa , 1989, both display a prodorsum which has an alveolar to corrugate appearance, very different from the tubercles of Tokukobelba and the epimeral region is not sculp- tured. The Dyobelba tectopediosa species-group is similarly characterized by a highly distinctive alveolate, but not tuberculate prodorsal sculp- turing ( B ayartogtokh & N orton 2007). Extensive tuberculate ornamentation of the epimeres is found in Ameroidea within the Rhynchoribatidae ( M ahunka 1985, W oas 1986) and Heterobelbidae ( B eck 1962, E rmilov et al. 2011), being appar- ently absent in the other families, and also ap- pears in several other Brachypylina such as the Autognetidae ( G randjean 1960b, 1960c, 1963, B ayartogtokh 2012). Palptarsus In the Damaeidae, there usually are 9 setae and additionally a prone, distally directed solenidion ω situated on the palpal tarsus. Four setae, the anteroculminal, the subultimal and the paired ultimal setae are short, conical and hollow and insert distally. These are the eupathidia, which are transformed homologues of setae ( G rand - jean 1946). The remaining 5 normal setae insert considerably more proximally on the tarsus, are elongate, of setiform shape and not hollow. Of these, the single culminal seta inserts dorso- proximally, roughly midway between lyrifissure ly and the insertion point of solenidion ω . Distally to this, the paired lateral setae lt´ and lt´´, and also the ventral setae vt´and vt´´ are found ( N orton 1977a). The specimens of Tokukobelba compta ex- amined by me display the typical recumbent damaeid solenidion ω , usually only clearly dis- cernible in squash preparations, and a total of 9 setae on the palpal tarsus. Setae cm, lt´, lt´´, vt´and vt´´ are present. However, only three dis- tal eupathidial setae are found: acm, ul´ and ul´´. The subultimal seta is absent or vestigial. An ad- ditional elongate normal seta is found ventrally on the tarsus, inserted much closer to seta lt´ than to setae acm, ul´and ul´´ (Fig. 8). This highly unusual setation pattern, which I also observed in the larva and nymphs of T compta , and which is similar to that depicted for T itsukiensis by F u - jikawa (2011, Fig. 2b), differs from that of all other Damaeidae for which the palptarsal setation is known. The standard tarsal chaetotaxy of the Damaei- dae with 9 setae, of which the four distal ones are eupathidial, occurs in Belba corynopus ( G rand - jean 1936), B . sculpta (pers. obs.), B . minu­ ta ( T olstikov & L yashchev 1996) and B . cla­ vasensilla ( N orton & P alacios - V argas 1982). It is also known for several species of Damaeus ( G randjean 1936, N orton 1978a) and for Meta­ belba platynotus ( G randjean 1954), Metabelbella tichonravovi ( E rmilov & K haustov 2011), as well as for Nortonbelba italica ( B ernini 1980) and Porobelba weigmanni ( M iko 2008). Parabelbella elisabethae B ulanova - Z achvatkina , 1967, in which 4 palptarsal setae are eupathidial is described as having 8 setae on this segment by M iko et al. (2011). Based on the illustration supplied by these authors (p. 43, Fig. 5), the solenidion ω of this species is apparently similar in appearance to a normal seta and not recumbent. The adult of Weigmannia parki shows only 3 eupathidia on the tarsal tip and 8 setae in total ( M iko & N orton 2010). The species of the Dyobelba tectopediosa species group are mentioned as possessing only 8 setae on the tarsus of the palp, but more detail is not provided, and the palps are not illustrated ( B ayartogtokh & N orton 2007).