Carolinea 75

320 Carolinea 75 (2017) 12 Publikationen Die im Folgenden in Fettdruck geschriebenen Autoren sind Mitarbeiter des SMNK. 12.1 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen (peer-reviewed) A strin , J. J. , H öfer , H. , S pelda , J. , H olstein , J. , B ayer , S. , H endrich , L. , H uber , B. A. , K ielhorn , K.-H. , K rammer , H.-J. , L emke , M. , M onje , J. C. , M orinière , J. , R ulik , B. , P etersen , M. , J ans - sen , H. & M uster , C. (2016): Towards a DNA barcode reference database for spiders and harvestmen of Germany. – PLoS ONE 11 : e0162624. B auer , T. , W endt , I. , H olstein , J. & G abriel , G. (2016): Crossopriza lyoni new to Germany (Araneae: Pholcidae). – Arachnologische Mit- teilungen 52 : 4–6. B reitling , R. , B auer , T. , G rabolle , A. , O ger , P. , P antini , P. , V an K eer , J. , P fliegler , W. P. & J antscher , E. (2016): East meets West: on the true identity of Cheiracanthium rupestre and Xysticus albomaculatus (Arachnida: Araneae: Eutichuridae, Thomisidae). – Arachnologische Mitteilungen 52 : 38–49. B reitling , R. , B auer , T. , S chäfer , M. , M orano , E. , B arrientos , J. & B lick , T. (2016): Phantom spi- ders 2: more notes on dubious spider species from Europe. – Arachnologische Mitteilungen 52 : 50–77. F rey , E. , M ulder , E. W. A. , S tinnesbeck , W. , S ala - zar , C. & H éctor Q uinzio -S inn , L. A. (2016): A mosasaur, cf. Plotosaurus , from the upper Maastrichtian Quiriquina Formation in Central Chile. – Cretaceous Research 61 : 17–25. G eiger , M. , A strin , J. , B orsch , T. , B urkhardt , U. , G robe , P. , H and , R. , H ausmann , A. , H ohberg , K. , K rogmann , L. , L utz , M. , M onje , C. , M isof , B. , M orinière , J. , M üller , K. , P ietsch , S. , Q uandt , D. , R ulik , R. , S choller , M. , T raunspurger , W. , H aszprunar , G. & W ägele , J. (2016): How to tackle the molecular species inventory for an industrialized nation – lessons from the first phase of the German Barcode of Life initiative GBOL (2012-2015). – Genome. DOI: 10.113. G rass , I. , A lbrecht , J. , J auker , F. , D iekötter , T. , W arzecha , D. , W olters , V. & F arwig , N. (2016): Much more than bees – wildflower plantings support highly diverse flower-visitor communi- ties from complex to structurally simple agricul- tural landscapes. – Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 225 : 45–53. H artung , V. , G arrouste , R. , P ouillon , J.-M. & N el , A. (2016): First fossil of Cylindrostethinae (Heteroptera: Gerromorpha: Gerridae) in the Paleocene of Menat, France. – Palaeontologia Electronica 19.3.33A : 1–10. H artung , V. , M edebach , I. & W alheim , S. (2016): Structural plastron in relict Gondwanan moss bugs (Hemiptera: Coleorrhyncha: Peloridiidae) and its possible implications for systematics, biogeography and for the standard definition of plastron. – Arthropod Structure and Develop- ment 45 : 422–431. H avelka , P. (2016): Rote Liste und Gesamtarten- liste der Gnitzen (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) Deutschlands. – Naturschutz und Biologische Vielfalt 70 : 33–66. H udson , L. N. et al. (inkl. H öfer , H. ) (2016): The database of the PREDICTS (Projecting Responses of Ecological Diversity In Chang- ing Terrestrial Systems) project. – Ecology and Evolution. DOI: 10.1002/ECE3.2579. J age , H. , K lenke , F. , K ruse , J. , K ummer , V. & S choller , M. (2016): Beitrag zur Kenntnis der pflanzenparasitischen Kleinpilze der Inseln Rügen und Vilm (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern). – BfN-Skripten 435 : 1–47. M anegold , A. (2016): Rediscovery of the com- plete type series of the White-striped Forest Wallaby Dorcopsis hageni H eller , 1897 in the collections of the State Museum of Natural History Karlsruhe. – Vertebrate Zoology 66 : 217–219. M axwell , E. , A lexander , S. , B echly , G. , E ck , K. , F rey , E. , G rimm , K. , K ovar -E der , J. , M ayr , G. , M icklich , N. , R asser , M. , R oth -N ebelsick , A. , S alvador , R. , S choch , R. , S chweigert , G. , S tinnesbeck , W. , W olf -S chwenninger , K. & Z iegler , R. (2016): The Rauenberg fossil lager- stätte (Baden-Württemberg, Germany): a win- dow into early Oligocene marine and coastal ecosystems of Central Europe. – Palaeogeo­ graphy, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 463 : 238–260. R iedel , A. & T änzler , R. (2016): Revision of the Australian species of the weevil genus Trigo­ nopterus F auvel . – ZooKeys 556 : 97–162. R iedel , A. , T änzler , R. , P ons , J. , S uhardjono , Y. R. & B alke , M. (2016): Large-scale molecular phylogeny of Cryptorhynchinae (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) from multiple genes suggests American origin and later Australian radiation. – Systematic Entomology 41 : 492–503. S choller , M. , M iggel , B. , S chneider , A. , S tarke , S. & S chnittler , M. (2016): Terana coerulea