Carolinea 75

S taatliches Museum für Naturkunde Karlsruhe 321 in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern: Ein historisch interessanter Beleg aus dem 19. Jahrhun- dert in den Pilzsammlungen des ehemaligen Greifswalder Universitätsherbariums (KR ex GFW). – Zeitschrift für Mykologie 82 : 481–492. S choller , M. , S chmidt , A. , S iahaan , S. A. S. , T aka - matsu , S. & B raun , U. (2016): A taxonomic and phylogenetic study of the Golovinomyces bio­ cellatus complex (Erysiphales, Ascomycota) using asexual state morphology and rDNA sequence data. – Mycological Progress 15 : 56. DOI: 10.1007/s11557-016-1197-5. S hcherbakov , E., E hrmann , R. & B orer , M. (2016): Revision of the genus Heliomantis Giglio-Tos, 1915 (Insecta: Mantodea: Hyme- nopodidae). – Annales de la Société entomo- logique de France (N.S.) 52 : 135–149. DOI: 10.1080/00379271.2016.1220264. S tinnesbeck , W. , F rey , E. , E spinoza -C hávez , B. , Z ell , P. , F lores -V entura , J. , R ivera -S ylva , H. , G onzález -G onzález , A. , P adilla G utierrez , J. & V ega , F. (2016): Theropod, avian, pterosaur, and arthropod tracks from the uppermost Cre- taceous Las Encinas Formation, Coahuila, northeastern Mexico and their significance for the end-Cretaceous mass extinction. – The Geological Society of America Bulletin. DOI: 10.1130/B31554.1: 1–18. S tinnesbeck , S. , F rey , E. , S tinnesbeck , W. , A ví - les , J. , Z ell , P. , T errazas , A. , B enavente , M. , R ojas S andoval , C. , G onzález G onzález , A. & A veves N úñez , E. (2016): A new fossil pec- cary of late Pleistocene age from the eastern Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico. – Journal of South American Earth Sciences. DOI: 10.1016/j. jsames.2016.11.003. S tinnesbeck , W. , F rey , E. & Z ell , P. (2016): Evi- dence for semi-sessile early juvenile life history in Cretaceous ammonites. – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 457 : 186– 194. T änzler , R. , V an D am , M. H. , T oussaint , E. F. A. , S uhardjono , Y. R. , B alke , M. & R iedel , A. (2016): Macroevolution of hyperdiverse flight- less beetles reflects the complex geological history of the Sunda Arc. – Scientific Reports 6 : 18793. T eltewskoi , A. , B eermann , F. , B eil , I. , B obrov , A. , D e K lerk , P. , L orenz , S. , L üder , A. , M ichaelis , D. & J oosten , H. (2016): 4000 years of chang- ing wetness in a permafrost polygon peatland (Kytalyk, NE Siberia): a comparative high reso- lution multi-proxy study. – Permafrost and Peri- glacial Processes 27 : 76–95 T rusch , R. (2016): Aktuelle Funde des Olean- derschwärmers Daphnis nerii ( L innaeus , 1758) in Baden-Württemberg (Lepidoptera, Sphingi- dae). – Carolinea 74 : 123–128. T rusch , R. , A sal , J. , F alkenberg , M. , L eipnitz , M. , R eusch , M. , W idder , C. & M eineke , J.-U. (2016): Entdeckung des Purpurweiden-Jungfern- kindes Boudinotiana touranginii ( B erce , 1870) in Deutschland (Lepidoptera: Geometridae, Archiearinae). – Entomologische Zeitschrift 126 : 66–76. V an D am , M. H. , L aufa , R. & R iedel , A. (2016): Four new species of Trigonopterus F auvel from the Island of New Britain (Coleoptera, Curcu- lionidae). – ZooKeys 582 : 129–141. W arzecha , D. , D iekötter , T. , W olters , V. & J auker , F. (2016): Intraspecific body size increases with habitat fragmentation in wild bee pollinators. – Landscape Ecology. DOI: 10.1007/s10980- 016-0349-y. W ieners , M. , R einhard , A. , F örschler , M. & S choller , M. (2016): The rare polypore Antro­ diella citrinella and its special phenology in the Black Forest National Park (Germany). – Jour- nal of Biodiversity & Endangered Species 4 : DOI: 10.4172/2332-2543.100. W irth , V. (2016): Diploschistes euganeus in Deutschland nachgewiesen. – Herzogia 29 : 617–623. 12.2 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen (nicht peer-reviewed) B ehrens , E. , D e K lerk , P. & J oosten , H. (2016): Records from the collapsed polygon complex MNP12 for actuo- and palaeoecological stud- ies. – Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung/­ Reports on Polar and Marine Research 697 : 49–54. B ernauer , T. & S chneider , A. (2016): Schon gewusst? – Ein „Digitaler Katalog der Pilz- sammlungen (KR)“ des Karlsruher Naturkun- demuseums. – Südwestdeutsche Pilzrund- schau 52 : 71–72. D e K lerk , P . & J oosten , H. (2016): Vegetation history and mire development in the northwest- ern part of the Dubringer Moor near Hoyers­ werda (Sachsen, E Germany) inferred from a pollen diagram from the legacy of K laus K loss . – Mauritiana 30 : 77–95. Deutsche Stratigraphische Kommission (inkl. G ebhardt , U. ) (Hrsg.; Redaktion, Koordination und Gestaltung M enning , M. & H endrich , A. ) (2016): Stratigraphische Tabelle von Deutsch-