Carolinea 76

38 Carolinea 76 (2018) G uderley & L umbsch (1996), for Teloschistes A lm - born (1989) and F rödén & K ärnefelt (2007), for Acarospora M agnusson (1933). ITS sequences were obtained from Alvalab (Oviedo, Spain) and deposited in Genbank. During the excursion pictures were made in the field with a Canon EOS, MP-E 65 mm macro lens, using a twin flash. From these, photographs of more than 20 species are presented in this paper, mainly of the genus Xanthoparmelia ; its members are difficult to determine but often discernable in the field by their habit. The pictures will help con- servation managers and ecologists to recognize important species in the region. Many were not published in colour pictures before. Collecting data: Western Cape, Overberg: 32 km NE of Bredasdorp, Renosterveld Nature Reserve. Locality 1: south of Renosterveld Research Cen- tre, alt. 150-190 m asl, c. 34°21’13’’ S, 20°19’05’’ E – 34°21’11’’ S, 20°19’00’’ E – 34°21’17’’ S, 20°18’39’’ E – 34°21’30’’ S, 20°18’48’’ E, 13 and 17 Oct. 2015, leg. V olkmar W irth , accompanied by O dette C urtis -S cott , J annie G roenewald and R enate W irth , and Oct. 2017, leg. O dette C urtis - S cott , accompanied by J annie G roenewald – Lo- cality 2: NW of Renosterveld Research Centre, alt. 140-190 m asl, 34°19’48.756” S, 20°18’51.588” E – 34°19’57.468” S, 20°18’52.775” E – 34°19’47.352 S, 20°18’52.308” E – 34°19’46.452” S, 20°18’52.667 E, 144 m – 34°19’46.81” S, 20°18’52.416” E, 144 m, leg. O dette C urtis - S cott , Oct. 2017. Samples are deposited in the herbaria of the Bo- tanical Museum at Berlin (B) and (a small set) of the State Museum of Natural History at Stuttgart (STU). 4 Recorded species Acarospora laevigata H. M agn . On shale rock outcrops; known only from South Africa. Samples: B 60 0198380, B 60 0201715, B 60 0198380. Acarospora sp. A brown species with reddish apothecia on quartz rocks; not collected. Arthonia sytnikii S.Y. K ondr . A lichenicolous fungus forming little black dots on Dufourea dissectula on Galenia africana twigs; known from Australasia and South Africa. Sam- ple: B 60 0202456. Arthonia sp. A lichenicolous fungus growing in apothecia of cf. Immersaria athroocarpa , on shale rock outcrops. Sample: B 60 0201766. Baculifera micromera ( V ain .) M arbach A common species on twigs of shrubs ( Dio­ spyros, Dodonaea, Oederia squarrosa , Olea europaea subsp. africana , Searsia ); widely dis- tributed in tropical to subtropical South America and southern Africa. Samples: B 60 0202466, B 60 0202459; ITS sequences: MH714512, MH714513. Buellia stellulata ( T aylor ) M udd s.l. A species of the Buellia stellulata -group, often as a pioneer on hard quartz rocks; widespread on acidic and on basic siliceous rock, frequent, also in southern Africa. Buellia tetrapla ( N yl .) M üll . A rg . (Fig. 3) On twigs and stemlets of shrubs (e.g. Gymno­ sporia heterophylla ), with Hypotrachyna revo­ luta, Haematomma persoonii and cf. Ramboldia ; known from all subtropical regions of the south- ern hemisphere. Samples: B 60 0198379, STU- Wirth 37084 (with Haematomma p .) Caloplaca haematodes (A. M assal .) Z ahlbr . (Fig. 2) On quartz ridges, usually with Buellia cf. stellu­ lata ; known from southern Africa. Samples: B 60 0201753, B 600198375. Caloplaca rubelliana (Ach.) Lojka On shale rock outcrops; widespread in warm- temperate to subtropical regions. Sample: B 60 0198374. Caloplaca sp. A tiny lichen, regularly associated with Baculife­ ra micromera ; it occurs as scattered, tiny, orange apothecia between Baculifera on twigs of Do­ donaea , Oedera squarrosa , Galenia africana . Samples: B 60 0202467, B 60 0202460. Candelaria cf. pacifica W estb . On Asparagus, Dodonaea, Oedera ; forming very small squamules, unusually small for C. pacifica . Samples: B 60 0202459, B 60 0202469. Candelariella sp. On shale rock, species with soralia, with Lecidel­ la sp. Sample: B 60 0201749.