Carolinea 76

40 Carolinea 76 (2018) Catillaria sp. On shale rock. Sample: B 60 0198381. Chrysothrix xanthina ( V ain .) K alb On stems of shrubs and small trees on rain-pro- tected sites, as powdery bright yellow to yellow- ish green covering; widespread and common in tropics and subtropics. Samples: STU-Wirth, B 60 0202469; ITS sequence: MH714516. Dufourea dissectula (S.Y. K ondr . & K ärnefelt ) F rödén , A rup & S øchting On twigs of Galenia africana and Gymnosporia heterophylla ; known mainly from South Africa. Samples: STU-Wirth 38303, B 60 0202463, B 60 0202479; ITS sequence: MH714518. Resembles the widespread and well-known Xan­ thoria parietina (L.) T h . F r ., but differs by the more deeply dissected, narrower, flatter lobes without raised terminal margins. Dufourea inflata ( E ichenb ., A ptroot & H onegger ) F rödén , A rup & S øchting On Gymnosporia heterophylla twig, together with Flavoparmelia soredians, Physcia jackii, Rama­ lina celastri, R. lacera, Parmotrema reticulatum, Usnea leprosa ; known only from South Africa. Sample: B 60 0202480. Diploschistes euganeus (A. M assal .) Z ahlbr . (Fig. 4) On shale rock, with Flavoparmelia soredians ; known in semiarid warm zones world-wide, in Europe northwards up to temperate regions (very rare in France, Germany and Poland). Sample: B 60 0201764 (no substances). Flavoparmelia rutidota ( H ook . f . & T ayl .) H ale On stems and twigs of asteraceous shrubs; one of the few foliose epiphytes in the reserve pro- ducing apothecia; in substropical regions of the southern hemisphere, extending into North Ame- rica. Sample: accompanying Physcia jackii in B 60 0198394 . Flavoparmelia soredians (N yl .) H ale On shrubs (e.g. Asparagus mariae, Diospyros sp., Dodonaea sp., Gymnosporia heterophylla ) and on rock; widespread in warm-temperate to tropical, more or less oceanic regions. Samples: B 60 0201769, B 60 0198396 (usnic, salazinic acids). Haematomma persoonii (F ée ) A. M assal . (Fig. 5) On shrubs (e.g. Elytropappus, Gymnosporia sp., Olea europaea ), with Hypotrachyna revoluta, Ochrolechia africana, Buellia tetrapla ; in tropi- cal and adjacient regions worldwide ( S taiger & K alb 1995). Samples: B 60 0201756 (atranorin, ?sphaerophorin), STU-Wirth 37004 (atranorin, sphaerophorin), STU-Wirth 36562 (atranorin, sphaerophorin), STU-Wirth 37084. Heterodermia speciosa (W ulfen ) T revis . On shrubs, rare; widespread species. Hypotrachyna revoluta ( F lörke ) H ale On shrubs, with Haematomma persoonii ; wi- despread in oceanic regions of the tropical to temperate zones. Samples: B 60 0201756 (at- ranorin, tr. lecanoric, gyrophoric, ?methylhiascic agg. acids); B 60 0198379, STU-Wirth 36562 (with Haematomma p. ) Lecanora pseudargentata L umbsch On shrubs ( Elytropappus, Olea europea subsp. africana, Gymnosporia heterophylla, Searsia rehmanniana ); widespread from tropical Ameri- ca to Australasia. Samples: B 60 0198366 (atra- norin, gangaleoidin), B 60 0198394 (atranorin, gangaleoidin), B 60 0202457, B 60 0202477; ITS sequences: MH714514, MH714515. The species resembles L. argentata by the apo- thecia with white margins and brown discs, and differs by the brownish epihymenium with crystal layer on top (Pol +) which dissolves after applying KOH ( L umbsch 1994). Lecanora sp. On rock, species with a whitish thallus and black- ish apothecia. Sample: B 60 0201768 (atranorin, gangaleoidin, zeorin). Lecidea terrena N yl . On shale rock; in Australasia and South Africa. Samples: B 60 0201751, B 60 0201765 (both with confluentic acid). Lecidella sp. On shale rock; with Flavoparmelia soredians, Candelariella sp., Buellia sp. Samples: B 60 0201749, B 60 0198376. Ochrolechia africana V ain . (Fig. 6) On shrubs (e.g. Elytropappus rhinocerotis , Olea ), with Usnea leprosa, Buellia sp.; widespread in