Carolinea 76

42 Carolinea 76 (2018) tropics and subtropics. Samples: B 60 0198377, B 60 0202472, STU-Wirth. Parmotrema austrosinense (Z ahlbr .) H ale (Fig. 7) On twigs and stems of shrubs (e.g. Elytropappus rhinocerotis , Dodonaea, Gymnosporia sp., Olea europaea ssp. africana , Diospyros sp.), with Par­ motrema reticulatum ; widespread in tropics and subtropics. Sample: STU-Wirth. One of the most frequent and striking species on shrubs in the study area. Parmotrema cooperi (J. S teiner & Z ahlbr .) S érus . On twigs and stems of shrubs, with Parmotre­ ma reticulatum ; south and central Africa, tropical Asia, Australia. Sample: B 60 0198368 (atrano- rin, lecanoric acid). Parmotrema norsticticatum (G. N. S tevens ) A. C respo , D ivakar & E lix A common but inconspicuous lichen on twigs of various shrubs, e.g., Asparagus mariae , Do­ donaea sp., Elytropappus rhinocerotis , Gymno­ sporia heterophylla and Oedera squarrosa . First report of this Australian species in South Africa. Samples: B 60 0202461, B 60 0202464, B 60 0202473 (all three atranorin, norstictic, salazinic acids), present as admixture in further samples; ITS sequences: MH714509, MH714510, MH714511. This foliose lichen resembles much Crespoa car­ neopruinata ( Z ahlbr .) L endemer & B. P. H odk . and C. crozalsianum (B. de L esd . ex H arm .) L endemer & B. P. H odk . However, it forms smaller thalli with few, elongate lobes, which are tightly adnate on the twigs. Chemically it differs by the absence of stictic acid and the presence of norstictic and salazinic acid as dominant secondary products. The Australian specimens of P. norsticticatum ( E lix 1994, sample sent by J. E lix tested) differ by the absence of salazinic acid and the presence of substantial amounts of stictic acid. Their ITS sequences are very similar, however, and are closer to Parmotrema than to Crespoa . Parmotrema reticulatum (T aylor ) M. C hoisy On shrubs ( Elytropappus ) and on rock (with Xan­ thoparmelia phaeophana ); widespread in tropical/ subtropical regions and in oceanic temperate areas. Sample: B 60 0201778 (atranorin, salazinic acid). Parmotrema tinctorum (D espr . ex N yl .) H ale On stems of shrubs and little trees; widespread in tropical and subtropical regions. Pertusaria dispersa V ain . On twigs of shrubs, frequent on smooth bark (e.g. Asparagus, Elytropappus rhinocerotis , Gymnosporia , Oedera ), with Ochrolechia afri­ cana, Pertusaria pustulata, Teloschistes puber . Distribution poorly known, perhaps restricted to South Africa. Samples: B 60 0201757 (thiopha- ninic, stictic acids), B 60 0202465 (thiophaninic, stictic, constictic acids), B 60 0202475 (thiopha- ninic, stictic, constictic acids), B 60 0202471 (thi- ophaninic, stictic, constictic acids). Habitually quite similar to P. leioplaca but thallus yellowish, C+ orange, and ascospores two per ascus. Pertusaria pustulata ( A ch .) D uby On twigs of shrubs on smooth bark (e.g. Ely­ tropappus rhinocerotis ), with Ochrolechia afri­ cana, Pertusaria dispersa , Teloschistes puber ; widespread, also in temperate regions of the northern hemisphere. Sample: B 60 0201757 (2-chloro-6-O-methylnorlichexanthone, hypostic- tic, stictic, constictic acids). Phacopsis australis A ptroot & T riebel Parasitic on Xanthoparmelia condyloides ; known only from South Africa. Sample: in its host, B 60 0201799. Physcia adscendens (F r .) O liv . On twigs of shrubs (e.g. Gymnosporia hetero­ phylla ); very widespread in cold to subtropical regions worldwide and frequent on nutrient-rich bark. Sample: B 60 0202478. Physcia erumpens M oberg On stems of shrubs; known from central and southern Africa, the Americas, the Philippines and Macaronesia. Sample: B 60 0198378 (atra- norin, zeorin). Physcia jackii M oberg On stems of shrubs (e.g. Searsia rehmanniana , Gymnosporia ), with Usnea leprosa, Flavoparme­ lia rutidota, Lecanora pseudargentata, Ramalina celastri, Traponora, Physcia adscendens ; re- stricted to Australia and South Africa. Samples: B 60 0198394, B 60 0202474.