Carolinea 76

W irth et al .: Biota in a Renosterveld vegetation habitat 43 Physcia poncinsii H ue On twigs of Asparagus mariae and Gymnosporia heterophylla ; widespread in America, Africa and Australia. Sample: B 60 0202470. Protoparmelia rogersii E lix On quartz rocks; first African record for the spe- cies described from Australia. Sample: B 60 0201750 (alectoronic acid); STU-Wirth. Psora aff. crenata ( T aylor ) R einke (Fig. 8) On loamy and stony soil; known from southern Africa. Samples: B 60 0201763; B 60 0201817; STU-Wirth. The probably new species is under investigation by E inar T imdal . Ramalina celastri (S preng .) K rog & S winscow On twigs of shrubs (e.g. Asparagus mariae, Do­ donaea sp ., Elytropappus rhinocerotis , Gymno­ sporia heterophylla, Oederia squarrosa, Olea europaea, Searsia rehmanniana ), frequent, with Parmotrema, Hypotrachyna, Usnea , Ra­ malina cf. pusiola ; frequent in Western Cape; widespread in tropical and subtropical regions worldwide. Samples: B 60 0198371 (tr. usnic acid), B 60 0202452, STU-Wirth; ITS sequences: MH714506, MH714507. Ramalina lacera (W ith .) J. R. L aundon On twigs of Gymnosporia heterophylla ; wi- despread in subtropical, coastal areas of Ameri- ca, Africa and Europe. Samples: B 60 0202478, B 60 0202477; ITS sequence: MH714508. Ramalina cf. pusiola M üll . A rg . On twigs of shrubs, with Ramalina celastri ; wi- despread in tropical regions. Sample: B 60 0198371 (sekikaic acid agg.). cf. Ramboldia On shale rock outcrop. Sample: B 60 0201767 (atranorin, ?2’-methylperlatolic acid). Rinodina ficta (S tizenb .) Z ahlbr . Small thalli on twigs of Dodonaea sp . and Oe­ deria squarrosa ; known from subtropical regions in both hemispheres. Samples: B 60 0202462, B 60 0202468. Teloschistes chrysophthalmus (L.) T h . F r . (Fig. 9) On shrubs (e.g. Oederia squarrosa , Gymnospo­ ria heterophylla) ; widespread in warm regions of Africa, North and South America, Australia, New Zealand and southern Europe. Sample: STU-Wirth, B 60 0201777, B 60 0202459; ITS sequence: MH714519. Often found as very tiny, nevertheless fruiting specimens. Teloschistes flavicans ( S w .) N orm . On asteraceous shrubs; worldwide in tropical and subtropical and mild temperate regions. Teloschistes puber ( A ch .) A lmb . On twigs and stemlets of shrubs; endemic to western and southern parts of South Africa and Namibia. Sample: B 60 0201815. Traponora globosa A ptroot On stemlets and twigs of shrubs ( Dodonaea, Diospyros, Olea ), with Physcia jackii, Usnea le­ prosa, Flavoparmelia rutidota, Lecanora pseud­ argentata, Ramalina celastri, Physcia adscen­ dens . Samples: B 60 0198394, B 60 0202459. This genus of minute lichens is poorly known and rarely reported. The small size makes the- se lichens difficult to identify. The species is pantropical, known from Papua New Guinea, Thailand, Philippines, Brazil and Madagascar ( A ptroot 2009), Dr A. Aptroot (Soest, The Ne- therlands) was so kind to check specimen B 60 0202459. Usnea leprosa M otyka (Fig. 10) On stemlets and twigs of shrubs ( Diospyros, Do­ donaea sp ., Gymnosporia heterophylla, Oederia squarrosa ), with Ramalina celastri, Physcia ad­ scendens, Ph. jackii, Flavoparmelia rutidota ; distribution unclear, in view of the taxonomic difficulties in the genus Usnea . Samples: B 60 0198394 (usnic, norstictic acids), B 60 0198369 (usnic, norstictic acids), B 60 0201816 (usnic, norstictic acids), B 60 0202478 (usnic, norstictic, stictic, constictic acids). Usnea rubicunda var. spilota (S tirt .) G. N. S tevens (Fig. 11) On twigs of shrubs (with Usnea leprosa ) and on quartz rock; in mild and warm oceanic regions worldwide. Sample: B 60 0198370 (usnic, nor- stictic, salazinic acids). Usnea undulata S tirt . On twigs and stemlets of shrubs;world distribution uncertain, known from Africa. Sample: B 60 0198373 (usnic, norstictic, galbinic acids).