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46 Carolinea 76 (2018) Xanthoparmelia amphixanthoides ( J. S teiner & Z ahlbr .) H ale (Fig. 12) On loamy soil, with X. molliuscula ; endemic to the Cape Provinces. Samples: B 60 0201808 (usnic, tr. norstictic, chalybaeizanic, salazinic acids), B 60 0201807 (usnic, chalybaeizanic, salazinic acids). Characteristic are the often free-growing cus- hions and carpets of sublinear lobes only 0.7- 1.5 mm wide, a pale brown underside and the K+ red reaction of the medulla. Similar to X. molliuscula which is K+ yellow and which produ- ces often many terete lobes. Xanthoparmelia cafferensis ( E ssl .) O. B lanco et al. (Fig. 13) On loamy soil and on quartz rock; known only from South Africa. Samples: B 60 0201814, B 600201781, B 60 0201782, B 60 0201779, B 60 0201780 (all with olivetoric acid), STU-Wirth. Xanthoparmelia capensis H ale (Fig. 14) On rock, often with X. phaeophana on top of rocks, also with X . vs. squamariata ; endemic to Cape Provinces. Samples: B 60 0201801 (usnic, tr. norstictic, chalybaeizanic, salazinic acids), B 600201789 (usnic, tr. norstictic, ?galbinic, salazinic acids); ITS sequences: MH714500, MH714501. A species tightly adnate on rock and producing globose to subcylindrical isidia. X. isidiigera is di- stinguished by the thinner cylindrical isidia and the occurrence of pycnidia. Xanthoparmelia chalybaeizans ( J. S teiner & Z ahlbr .) H ale (Fig. 15) On shale rock; southern Africa. Samples: B 60 0201773 (usnic, chalybaeizanic, salazinic acids), B 60 0201774 (usnic, tr. norstictic, chalybae­ izanic, salazinic acids), B 60 0201774 (usnic, tr. norstictic, chalybaeizanic, salazinic acids), B 60 0201783 (usnic, norstictic, tr. ?lusitanic, cha- lybaeizanic, salazinic acids); ITS sequences: MH714503, MH714504. Xanthoparmelia condyloides ( K urok .) E lix (Fig. 16 below) On quartz rock, with Xanthoparmelia substeno­ phylloides ; endemic to Cape Provinces. Sample: B 60201799 (atranorin, tr. norstictic, chalybaeiza- nic, salazinic acids). Xanthoparmelia diadeta (H ale ) H ale On rock, with Buellia stellulata ; in eastern and southern Africa. Sample: B 60 0198384 (usnic, norstictic, salazinic acids). Xanthoparmelia glabrans (N yl .) O. B lanco et al. (Fig. 17) On shale rock; widespread in mediterranean and subtropical biomes, in both hemispheres. Sample: B 60 0201784 ( α -collatolic, alectoronic acids). Xanthoparmelia gyrophorica H ale (Fig. 18) On loamy soil; southern Africa. Sample: B 60 0201803 (usnic, methylhiascic acid agg.). Xanthoparmelia hypopsila (M üll . A rg .) H ale (Fig. 19) On loamy soil, with Acarospora sp.; southern Af- rica and southern South America. Sample: B 60 0201810 (usnic, norstictic, ?lusitanic, stictic, tr. cryptostictic, ?constictic acids). A species with irregular to sublinear lobes, ad- nate to loosely adnate on rock, more rarely on soil, with a black underside (medulla K+ red). Xanthoparmelia leonora ( S preng . ex A. M assal .) H ale (Fig. 20) On loamy soil, often with X. amphixanthoides . Samples: B 60 0201804 (usnic, tr. fumarprotoce- traric, succinprotocetraric acids), B 60 0201788 (usnic, tr. fumarprotocetraric, ?protocetraric acids), STU-Wirth. A very conspicuous species which is nearly free- growing on soil, often together with the tiny-lobed X. amphixanthoides (Fig. 12) or X. molliuscula . The up to 4 mm broad, long lobes with big apo- thecia (up to 5 mm wide) are diagnostic. Xanthoparmelia marroninipuncta (B russe ) H ale (Fig. 21) On quartz rocks; known only from South Africa. Samples: B 60 0201793, B 60 0201792 (usnic, pro- tocetraric acids, red pigments), STU-Wirth 38134. The black spots on the thallus are unique in the ge- nus. They give the impression of being a parasite. Xanthoparmelia molliuscula (A ch .) H ale (Fig. 22) On soil, on rocks and pebbles of sandstone, quartz; known from southern Africa, Austra- lia, New Zealand. Samples: B 60 0201796 (us- nic, norstictic, ?lusitanic, stictic, tr. cryptostictic, ?constictic acids.), B 60 0201797 (usnic, nor- stictic, lusitanic, stictic, ?constictic acids), B 60 0201795 (usnic, norstictic, ?lusitanic, stictic, tr. cryptostictic, ?constictic acids), B 60 0201811