Carolinea 76

50 Carolinea 76 (2018) (usnic, norstictic, ?lusitanic, stictic, tr. cryptostic- tic, ?constictic acids), B 60 0201798 (usnic, nor- stictic, lusitanic, stictic, ?constictic acids), STU- Wirth 36549 (usnic, norstictic, lusitanic, stictic, cryptostictic, ?constictic acids). A nearly vagrant species, quite similar in habitus to X. amphixanthoides which has a K+ red me- dulla. One of the most important foliose lichens on soil in the area. Xanthoparmelia molybdiza (N yl .) E lix On shale rock, with Xanthoparmelia chalybaei­ zans , Buellia sp.; known from East Africa, South Africa. Sample: B 60 0201772 (atranorin, leca- noric acid). Xanthoparmelia perplexa ( S tizenb .) H ale (Fig. 23) On quartz rock outcrop, with Buellia sp.; endemic to Cape Provinces. Samples: B 60 0201754 (us- nic, norstictic, chalybaeizanic, salazinic acids), B 60 0201802 (usnic, tr. norstictic, chalybaeizanic, salazinic acids). A species which grows closely adnate to rock. It appears nearly areolate-crustose in the center. Xanthoparmelia phaeophana (S tirt .) H ale (Fig. 2, 24) On soil and quartz rock, covering often several dm², overgrowing other lichens; widespread in eastern and southern Africa, furthermore in Bour- bon, Madagascar, Kerguelen Islands. Samples: B 60 0201787 (usnic, tr. fumarprotocetraric, pro- tocetraric, physodalic acids), B 60 0201786 (us- nic, tr. fumarprotocetraric, protocetraric acids), B 60 0201785 (usnic, tr. fumarprotocetraric, ?pro- tocetraric acids), STU-Wirth 38291. One of the most important foliose lichens on rock in the area. Xanthoparmelia prodomokosii H ale , E lix & J. J ohnst . (Fig. 25) On quartz and shale rock; known from Australia and southern Africa. Samples: B 60 0201791, B 60 0201790 (both usnic, hypoprotocetraric, 4-O- demethylnotatic acids). The species is centrally more or less bullate-are- olate, at the thallus margin distinctly foliose. Xanthoparmelia prolata (H ale ) E lix & J. J ohnst . (Fig. 26) On soil and rock, loosely attached or nearly free growing; endemic to the Cape Provinces. Sample: B 60 0201762 (atranorin, scabrosins); ITS sequence: MH714505. Xanthoparmelia vs. squamariata (N yl . ex C romb .) O. B lanco et al. On quartz rocks, north facing areas. Samples: B 60 0198392 (protocetraric, tr. fumarprotocetra- ric acids?), B 60 0201770, B 60 0198388, B 60 0198385. Xanthoparmelia subramigera (G yeln .) H ale On top of quartz rocks, with Xanthoparmelia vs. squamariata ; widespread in the subtropics of America, Africa and Japan. Sample: B 60 0198385 (physodalic, fumarprotocetraric, suc- cinprotocetraric acids). Xanthoparmelia cf. substenophylloides H ale (Fig. 16) On quartz rocks, with X. condyloides, X. vs. squamariata . Samples: B 60 0201799 (usnic, norstictic, lusitanic, stictic, ?constictic acids), B 60 0201805 (usnic, norstictic, tr. lusitanic?, stic- tic, ?constictic acids). Xanthoparmelia waboomsbergensis E lix (Fig. 27) Known only from the Cape provinces in South Af- rica. Sample: B 60 0201809 (usnic, norstictic, stic- tic, ?constictic acids); ITS sequence: MH714502. Characteristic are the small sublinear lobes and a nearly areolate center of the thallus. Xanthoparmelia xanthomelanella E lix (Fig. 28) On quartz rock; endemic to the Cape Provinces. Samples: B 60 0201812, B 60 0201818, B 60 0201800 (all with atranorin, norstictic, lusitanic?, stictic, tr. cryptostictic, ?constictic acids). Xanthoria parietina (L.) T h . F r . On Gymnosporia heterophylla twigs, a species with a world-wide distribution in cooler climate zones. Sample: accessory in Usnea leprosa (B 60 0202478); ITS sequence: MH714517. At first mistaken for the very similar Dufourea dis­ sectula , and recognized by its quite distinct ITS sequence. 5 The lichen vegetation Four main habitat types can be distinguished in the studied area in respect to the lichen vegeta- tion and their adaptation: 1. loamy soil; 2. acid rock, represented by quartz ridges and rocks; 3. mineral-rich rock with subneutral surface condi- tions (mainly shale rock); 4. bark of stems and twigs of shrubs, e.g. Elytropappus rhinocerotis ,