Carolinea 78

6 Carolinea 78 (2020) The recent distribution of macaques in the region of the Atlas Mountains matches a residual area in North Africa, whereas in Europe they became extinct within the Holocene. The origin of the pop- ulation in Gibraltar (South of the Iberian Penin- sula) is very probably the result of multiple intro- ductions of the animals by humans in historical times ( van H ooff 1988, M ottura & G entili 2006). Fossil macaque remains from to date three locali- ties on Sardinia, Italy – Capo Figari, Is Oreris, and MonteTuttavista ( Z oboli et al. 2016), described by A zzaroli (1946) as Macaca majori , represent an Table 1. Stratigraphically and geographically ordered list of Mio-, Plio- and Pleistocene European fossil sites, which yielded the genus Macaca ( 1 R ook et al. 2001 , 2 A lba et al. 2014, 3 G entili et al. 1998, 4 Z apfe 2001, 5 A rdito & M ottura 1987, 6 F ranzen 1973, 7 R ook et al. 2013, 8 S zalay & D elson 1979, 9 L umley et al. 1988, 10 A lba et al. 2008, 11 A lba et al. 2016, 12 A lba et al. 2011 , 13 S chreiber & L öscher 2011 , 14 F uentes V idarte 1993, 15 B ona et al. 2016 , 16 M azza et al . 2005 , 17 R eumer et al. 2018). W-Mediterranean Central- Europe E-Europe E-Medi- terranean NW-Europe Late Miocene Almenara-Casablanca M 1 Moncucco Torinese 2 Early Pliocene Montpellier 1 Late Pliocene RDB quarry 1 Costa San Giacomo 3 Villafranca d‘Asti 3 Balaruc 2 1 Gundersheim 1 Csarnota 2 1 Lower Pleistocene Inferno di Sotto 4 Strette 4 Upper Valdarno 7 Mugello 3 Val di Chiana 3 Pietrafitta 3 Monte Zoppega 2 3 Monte Sacro 3 Orciano 3 Sénèze 5 St. Vallier 5 Vallonet 9 Terrassa 10 Incarcal I 11 Quibas 12 Untermassfeld 4 Tegelen 1 Steyl 5 Hohensülzen 5 Voigtstedt 5 Beremend 4 1 M ă lu ş teni 6 Gombasek 8 Zlatý K ůň 8 Sandalja 5 Middle Pleistocene Montsaunès 5 St. Estève G 5 Orgnac-3 5 Aldène 5 Capo Figari 3 San Vito di Leguzzano 3 Monte Peglia 3 Colle Marino 3 Valdemino 3 Cava Pompi 3 Fontana Ranuccio 3 Bristie 3 Torre in Pietra 3 Torralba-Ambrona 14 Quecchia quarry 15 Mauer 13 Mosbach 2 5 Heppenloch 5 Tourkobounja 5 Grays Thurrock 5 West Runton 5 Hoxne 5 Swanscombe 5 Upper Pleistocene Grotta degli Orsi Volanti 16 Solana del Zamborino 5 Cova Negra 5 North Sea 17