Ausgewählte Publikationen

Bengueraichi, F., Moussi, A., Huang, Y., & Husemann, M. (2024):
Characterisation of the complete mitochondrial genomes and phylogenetic analysis of ten Oedipodinae grasshoppers (Orthoptera: Acrididae) from Algeria. Oriental Insects 1-34
Husemann, M., Guershon, M., Weinstein, A., & Dorchin, N. (2024):
Type catalogue of the Orthoptera collection in the Steinhardt Museum of Natural History, Tel Aviv University, Israel. Zootaxa 5468: 449-467
Kasalo, N., Husemann, M., van de Kamp, T., & Skejo, J. (2024):
Description of Phelene rheinschmidti from Equador with notes on the subfamily Lophotettiginae (Orthoptera, Tetrigidae). Evolutionary Systematics 8: 119-125
Klesser R., Blick T., Fritze M.A., Marten A., Hemauer M., Kastner L., Höfer H., Jäger G. & Husemann M. (2024):
Ice cage: new records and cryptic , isolated lineages in wingless snow flies ( Diptera , Limoniidae: Chionea spp.) in German lower mountain ranges. The Science of Nature 111: 1-16  
Kock, L.-S., Körs, E., Husemann, M., & Davaa, L. (2024):
Barcoding fails to delimit species in Mongolian Oedipodinae. Insects 15: doi: 10.3390/ insects15020128: 1-16
Kolster J, Kerl F, Heller K, Mercado-Salas N, Husemann M (2024):
Host range of the phoretic mite genus Parasitellus (Acariformes: Parasitidae) on wild bees (Apiformes), with specific notes on its morphological and genetic diversity in Northern Germany. Integrative Systematics 7: 31-42
Noori, S., Hawlitschek, O., Rödder, D., Soofi, M., Husemann, M., & Rajaei, H. (2024):
Extensive mismatch between protected areas and biodiversity hotspots of Iranian Lepidoptera. Insect Conservation and Diversity doi: 10.1111/icad.12760: 1-15
Noori, S., Hofmann, A., Rödder, D., & Husemann, M. (2024):
A window to the future : effects of climate change on the distribution patterns of Iranian Zygaenidae and their host plants. Biodiversity and Conservation 33: doi: 10.1007/s10531-023-02760-2: 579-602
Botero J. P., Tavakilian G. L., Seidel M., Husemann, M. & Simões, M. V. P. (2023):
An annotated type catalogue of the Cerambycidae (Insecta: Coleoptera) in the Zoological Museum Hamburg. European Journal of Taxonomy 869: 1-50
Devriese H. & Husemann M. (2023):
Afrosystolederus garmsi (Orthoptera, Tetrigidae), a new genus and species from Mount Gibi (Liberia) with remarks on Systolederus, Pseudosystolederus and Teredorus. Diversity 15: 1-17
Devriese, H., Nguyen, E., & Husemann, M. (2023):
An identification key to the genera and species of Afrotropical Tetrigini (genera Paratettix, Leptacrydium, Hedotettix, Rectitettix nov. gen., and Alienitettix nov.gen.) with general remarks on the taxonomy of Tetrigini (Orthoptera, Tetrigidae). Zootaxa 5285: doi: 10.11646/zootaxa.5285.3.4: 511-556
Gaugel S. M., Hawlitschek O., Dey L. S. & Husemann M. (2023):
Evolution of mitogenomic gene order in Orthoptera. Insect Molecular Biology 32: 387-399
Gaugel, S. M., Hawlitschek, O., Dey, L. S., & Husemann, M. (2023):
Evolution of mitogenomic gene order in Orthoptera. Insect Molecular Biology 32: doi: 10.1111/imb.12838: 387-399
Gil-Santana H.R. & Husemann M (2023):
New records of Reduviidae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) from Costa Rica, Ecuador, French Guiana, Paraguay, and Peru. Revista Chilena de Entomologia 49: 395-412
Haacks M., Troch C.-P., Demuth T., Schulz K., Hawlitschek O. & Husemann M. (2023):
Nachruf auf Frank Röbbelen 22.10.1948-17.02.2022. Natur im Fokus : 17-20
Hawlitschek O., Sadílek D., Dey L. S., Buchholz K., Noori S., Baez I. L., Wehrt T., Brozio J., Trávníček P., Seidel M. &Husemann M. (2023):
New estimates of genome size in Orthoptera and their evolutionary implications. PLoS One 18: 1-20
Hawlitschek, O., Bruns, C., Dey, L.-S., Nuhlickova, S., Felix, R., & Husemann, M. (2023):
The Genomics of Isolated Populations of Gampsocleis glabra (Orthoptera: Tettgoniidae) in Central and Western Europe. Insects doi: 10.3390/insects14120946: 1-12
Hochkirch A., Dey L. S. & Husemann M. (2023):
Phylogeography of the grasshopper genus Oedipoda (Acrididae: Oedipodinae) in the Mediterranean: classic refugia and cryptic lineages. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 140: 85-95
Husemann M (2023):
Der neue Direktor des Naturkundemuseums Karlsruhe im Kurzportät. Carolinea 81: 5-8
Kasalo N., Skejo J. & Husemann M. (2023):
DNA Barcoding of Pygmy Hoppers—The First Comprehensive Overview of the BOLD Systems’ Data Shows Promise for Species Identification. Diversity 15: 1-17
Kiany N., Seiedy M., Hakimitabar M & Husemann M. (2023):
A new species of Eutrombidium (Acari : Trombidiformes : Microtrombidiidae) found in a hotspot region of Iran, the Zagros Mountains. Acarologia 63: 1-11
Kolter A, Husemann M, Podsiadlowski L. & Gemeinholzer B. (2023):
Pollen metabarcoding of museum specimens and recently collected bumblebees (Bombus) indicates foraging shifts. Metabarcoding and Metagenomics 7: 89-119
Köttgen S & Husemann M (2023):
Warum Honigbienen eine Gefahr für Wildbienen sind. Natur und Umwelt 2: 12-13
Köttgen, S., & Husemann, M. (2023):
Zum Konflikt zwischen Honigbienen und Wildbienen – vor allem in der Stadt Hintergrund. Verhandlungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins in Hamburg 54: 131-144
Landaverde-González P., Gardner J., Moo-Valle H., Quezada-Euán J. J. G., Ayala R. & Husemann M. (2023):
Seven new species of Lasioglossum (Dialictus) Robertson, 1902 (Hymenoptera: Halictidae: Halictini) from the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico. European Journal of Taxonomy 5267: 1-106
Lehmann I., Zahiri R., Husemann M. (2023):
Revision of the genus-group complex Metarbelodes Strand, 1909 (Lepidoptera: Cossoidea: Metarbelidae) with the description of two new genera and 33 new species from high elevations of eastern and southern Africa. Zootaxa 5267: 1-106
Leopold F., Thaut L., Merker A., Hartung V., Lohrmann V., Joger U., Kamcke C., Barilaro C., Sund L., Küster M. & Husemann M. (2023):
Facettenreiche Insekten – Herausforderungen einer nachhaltigen Wanderausstellung. Natur im Museum 53: 17-20
Schall O. K. O., Kotthoff U. & Husemann M (2023):
Three new species of Elcanidae (Insecta: Orthoptera) from Myanmar amber and a discussion about phylogeny, ecology and evolutionary origin of Myanmar-amber Elcanidae. PalZ : 1-17
Silva-Brandão K. L. & Husemann M. (2023):
What is the importance of a name ? The case of the European Peacock butterfly. News of the Lepidopterists' Society 65: 51-55
Theissinger K. et ERGA consortium [Husemann M.] (2023):
How genomics dan help biodiversity conservation. Trends in Genetics 39: 545-559
Uchida K., Husemann M. & Kotthoff U. (2023):
A new Cretaceous orthopteran family of the Caelifera (order: Orthoptera) from Burmese amber of northern Myanmar. PalZ : 1-9
Wildermuth, B., Seifert, C. L., Husemann, M., & Schuldt, A. (2023):
Metabarcoding reveals higher taxonomic and functional canopy arthropod diversity in native than in non-native forests. Ecological Applications e2921