Andrias 19 - page 220

andrias, 19
{6}, C. laevigata {1}, C. monogyna {4}, Ilex aqui­
folium {1}, Prunus spinosa {7}, Salix caprea {1},
Salix ×capreola {1}, Salix (?)cinerea {1}, on little to
mostly medium (sometimes strongly) rotten bark
{3} and wood {4}, often on slightly to very strong­
ly decayed Vuilleminia spp. {16}, V. cystidiata {3},
periderm usually present only on one side of the
branch, ruptured and rolled aside by Vuillemi­
nia which is either still perceptible or has disap-
peared, in the latter case apothecia on exposed
bast, sometimes over narrow cracks of periderm,
or on periderm around spines (Prunus), with ab-
undant green aerophytic algae around and below
apothecia, but often also without.
: Capro­
nia aff. chlorospora {4}, Catillaria nigroclavata {1},
Chaetosphaeria myriocarpa {1}, Claussenomyces
sp. (on Vuilleminia) {2}, C. atrovirens (conidia ellip-
soid) {1}, C. aff. atrovirens (conidia allantoid) {1},
indet. Corticiaceae {2}, Cryptocoryneum conden­
satum {1}, Dacrymyces sp. {1}, Dactylospora spp.
{13}, Eutypella prunastri {1}, Frullania dilatata {2},
Gloniopsis smilacis {1}, Hyphodiscus aff. hymenio­
philus {3}, Hyphodontia sambuci {1}, Hypnum cu­
pressiforme {3}, Lepraria sp. {4}, Melanelia exas­
peratula {2}, Thyridaria sp. {2}, Metzgeria sp. {1},
?Nitschkia sp. {1}, Orbilia eucalypti {1}, O. vinosa
{1}, Parmelia sulcata {2}, Patellariopsis atrovinosa
{1}, Peniophora sp. {1}, Physcia sp. {2}, Platismatia
glauca {1}, Polydesmia pruinosa {1}, Porina aenea
{2}, Rhizodiscina lignyota {2}, Ulota crispa {1}.
: 220–395 m.
: mostly ± calcare-
ous: Lower Keuper (Bunte Mergel), Lower Liassic
(Grès de Luxembourg, Marnes et Calcaires de
Strassen), Upper Liassic (minette, Toarcien; Bet-
tembourg bituminous shale), Lower Dogger (coral
: throughout the year.
siccation tolerance
: After 7–10 weeks alive in all
parts; after 17 months still many spores and exci-
pular cells, and some paraphysis cells viable.
Specimens examined
(all collected by G. M
, ø = no specimen preserved):
France, Lorraine, Moselle
: 2.8 km SE of Dude-
lange, 1.5 km WNW of Zoufftgen, Nachtweide,
255 m, Crataegus monogyna, on very old Vuil­
leminia, 4.XI.2011 (G.M. 2011.11.04. #01).
Luxembourg: Mersch
, 4 km S of Larochette, 2
km E of Fischbach, E of Folkend, Wald, 350 m,
Ilex aquifolium, on wood, 25.IV.1994 (ø); – ibid.,
Ilex aquifolium, on wood and bark, 6.XII.2011
(G.M. 2011.12.06. #01). –
, 5.5
km NNW of Luxembourg, 1.5 km E of Bridel,
Plakigebierg, 280 m, Prunus spinosa, on Vuille­
minia, 7.III.2003 (H.B. 7316). – 6 km S of Luxem-
bourg, 0.8 km SE of Fentange, Wënkel, 265 m,
Salix caprea, on ?bark, 7.III.1993 (ø). –
, 5 km ENE of Pétange, 1 km E of Hautch-
arage, Reischlaedchen, 328 m, Prunus spinosa,
on Vuilleminia cystidiata, 27.III.1999 (ø?). – Gre-
venmacher, 4 km NNE of Grevenmacher, 2 km
NW of Mertert, Schlaufiels, N of Schlammbaach,
220 m, Corylus avellana, on old Vuilleminia,
19.III.1995 (H.B. 5281b). –
, 2.3
km SE of Dudelange, Därebësch, 272 m, Prunus
spinosa, on bark, 12.XII.1991 (H.B. 4571a, G.M.
4643); – ibid., Crataegus sp., on Vuilleminia,
24.XII.1991 (M [ex H.B. 4576a],
; G.M.
4668, isotype); – ibid., Prunus spinosa, on bark,
23.II.1992 (G.M. 4786); – ibid., ?Crataegus, on
old Vuilleminia, 17.IV.1996 (ø?); – ibid., Prunus
spinosa, on Vuilleminia cystidiata, 20.V.2001 (ø);
– ibid., Crataegus laevigata, on old ?Vuilleminia,
28.II.1998 (H.B. 6071a); – ibid., Crataegus sp., on
Vuilleminia, 2.XI.2000 (H.B. 6820a); – ibid., Pru­
nus spinosa and Crataegus sp., on Vuilleminia
cystidiata, also on bark, 30.X.2011 (KR 0029475,
ex H.B. 9634a); – ibid., Crataegus, on old Vuille­
minia, 14.I.2012 (ø). – 2.5 km NNE of Dudelange,
1.2 km S of Bettembourg, near railway area, 280
m, Salix (?)cinerea, on wood, 16.X.2000 (H.B.
6808a. – 1.5 km W of Dudelange, Haard, 345 m,
Crataegus monogyna, on Vuilleminia, 30.V.2010
(G.M. 2010.05.30. #01). – 2 km SE of Dudelange,
Bloklapp, 288 m, Prunus spinosa, on old Vuille­
minia,, 19.I.2007 (ø?). – 1.5 km S of Differdange-
Obercorn, Kiemreech, 395 m, Crataegus mono­
gyna, on old Vuilleminia, 6.VIII.2008 (ø). – 1 km
S of Differdange-Obercorn, Kallek, 380 m, Cra­
taegus monogyna, on old Vuilleminia, 16.VI.2010
(H.B. 9626a). – 5 km SSW of Luxembourg, 0.7
km N of Kockelscheuer, 305 m, Salix ×capreola,
on wood, 10.XI.2000 (H.B. 6836b). – 1.5 km SW
of Kayl, Léiffrächen, 388 m, Crataegus sp., on
Vuilleminia, 7.X.2011 (H.B. 9625b). – 1 km NW
of Rumelange, Holleschbierg, 380 m, Crataegus,
on old Vuilleminia, partly on apothecia of Dacty­
lospora sp., 6.IV.2010 (ø).
4 Discussion
Based on its peculiar features of triangular spo-
res and multispored asci, Deltopyxis triangulispo­
ra is a well-characterized fungus. In several of its
characteristics, it showed some variation among
the studied populations. However, this variation
was never so strong that we excluded any of our
collections from the description.
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