Selected Publications
- Kumar, M.; Bussmann, R.W.; Swenson, N.G. (2025):
- Plant functional traits: the scientific basis and their significance in studying climate change impacts and ecosystem functioning.. in: Kumar, M.; Bussmann, R.W.; Swenson, N.G. (Eds.) Plant Functional traits - Linking Climate and Ecosystem Functioning. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-443-13367-1.00002-8, Rotterdam, Elsevier: 1-16
- Kumar, M.; Bussmann, R.W.; Swenson, N.G. (Eds.) (2025):
- Plant Functional traits - Linking Climate and Ecosystem Functioning. Plant Functional traits - Linking Climate and Ecosystem Functioning , Rotterdam, Elsevier -ISBN: 978-0-443-13367-1: i-xvi-1-415
- Ma, S; Kimmig, J.; Schiffbauer, J.D.; Li, R.; Peng, S.; Yang, X. (2025):
Deep water vetulicolians from the lower Cambrian of China.
PeerJ 13: e18864
- Plotnick, R. E.; Anderson, B. M.; Carlson, S. J.; Jukar, A. M.; Kimmig, J.; Petsios, E. (2025):
Employment in Paleontology: Status and Trends in the United States.
Paleobiology , Cambridge
- Smith, J. A.; and 114 authors including Kimmig, J. (2025):
Identifying the big questions in paleontology: A community-driven project.
Paleobiology , Cambridge
- Spindler, F.; Kimmig, J. (2025):
- Fragmentary snout of a marine crocodile from the Upper Palatinate, Bavaria.. Archaeopteryx
- Theuerkauf, M; de Klerk, P; Michaelis, D. (2025):
- Vegetationsgeschichte der Landschaften in Deutschland - Östliches Jungmoränengebiet. Vegetationsgeschichte der Landschaften in Deutschland, ed. I. Feeser et al. , Springer: 531-544
- Tyagi, J.; Singh, R.K.; Pangtey, D.; Bussmann, R.W. (2025):
- Modeling the relationships between traits, climate, and life history strategies: scope for research and practice.. in: Kumar, M.; Bussmann, R.W.; Swenson, N.G. (Eds.) Plant Functional traits - Linking Climate and Ecosystem Functioning. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-443-13367-1.00020-X, Rotterdam, Elsevier: 347-371
- Yang, X.; Kimmig, J.; Pates, S.; Jamison, P.G.; Ma, S. (2025):
- Novel information on Caryosyntrips based on new appendages from China and the USA. Arthropod Structure & Development
- Zaman, M; Jabeen, A; Waheed, M; Haq, SM; Hashem, A; Almutairi, KF; Abd_Allah, EF; Bussmann, RW. (2025):
- Gendered ethnobotanical practices and their influence on livelihoods: Non-Timber Forest Product collection around Ayubia National Park.. Trees, Forests and People 19:100752: doi: 10.1016/j.tfp.2024.100752
- Ali, A; Ullah, H; Sher, H; Rafiullah, Badshah, L; Bussmann, RW. (2024):
- Traditional knowledge of medicinally important plants among the Torwali community of Hinduraj areas of Northern Pakistan. Ethnobotany Research and Applications 29:69: doi: 10.32859/era.29.69.1-37
- Angmo, K; Adhikari, BS; Bussmann; RW; Rawat, GS. (2024):
- Harmony in nature: understanding the cultural and ecological aspects of plant use in Ladakh.. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 20:34: doi: 10.1186/s13002-024-00670-3
- Arshad, F; Iqbal, M; Riaz, A; Haq, SM; Waheed, M; Qadeer, S; Bussmann, RW; Shoaib, M; Hashem, A; Abd-Allah, EF. (2024):
- Road corridors vegetation in the semi-arid region: functional trait diversity and dynamics.. Scientific Reports 14:25212: 10.1038/s41598-024-76484-w
- Arshad, F; Shoaib, M; Jameel, MA; Waheed, M; Haq, SM; Iftikhar, S; Darwish, M; Bussmann, RW (2024):
- Vegetation profile and ecological traits in irrigated plains of semi-arid regions: A case study of Okara, Punjab Pakistan. Ecological Frontiers : doi: 10.1016/j.ecofro.2024.01.003
- Bach A., Lauterbach S., Astrin J.J., Thorns H. & Bauer T. (2024):
- A master in disguise? The rediscovery of Misumena bicolor Simon, 1875 (Araneae: Thomisidae). Zootaxa 5529: 175-185
- Bach A., Raub F., Höfer H., Ottermanns R. & Roß-Nickoll M. (2024):
ARAapp: Filling gaps in the ecological knowledge of spiders using an automated and dynamic approach to analyze systematically collected community data.
Database DOI: 10.1093/database/baae004: 1-7
- Bauer T., Höfer H. & Schirmel J. (2024):
- Dry grasslands in urban areas can harbour arthropod species of local conservation concern and should be prioritised for biodiversity-friendly mowing regimes. Insect Conservation and Diversity DOI: 10.1111/icad.12746: 1-15 Available from: icad.12746
- Bauer T., Höfer H., Schirmel J. (2024):
- Data Paper Spider assemblages (Arachnida: Araneae) in urban grassland patches in Karlsruhe (Baden-Württemberg, Germany). Arachnologische Mitteilungen 68: 1
- Bengueraichi, F., Moussi, A., Huang, Y., & Husemann, M. (2024):
- Characterisation of the complete mitochondrial genomes and phylogenetic analysis of ten Oedipodinae grasshoppers (Orthoptera: Acrididae) from Algeria. Oriental Insects 1-34
- Bhat, JA; Shukla, G; Dobriyal, MJ; Chakravarty, S; Arunachalam, A; Bussmann, RW. (2024):
- Sustainable Forest Resources ManagementIssues and Implications.. Apple Academic Press ISBN 9781774917060
- Bicknell, R. D. C.; Bruthansová, J.; Kimmig, J. (2024):
Shelly coprolites record durophagous predation in the Late Ordovician Bohdalec Formation (Katian, Prague Basin, Czech Republic).
Geobios 82: 1-11
- Bicknell, R. D. C.; Kimmig, J.; Smith, P. M.; Scherer, T. (2024):
An enigmatic euchelicerate from the Mississippian (Serpukhovian) and insights into invertebrate preservation in the Bear Gulch Limestone, Montana, USA.
American Museum Novitates 4008: 1-14
- Bussmann, RW; Elachouri, M; Kikvidze, Z. (2024):
- Ethnobotany of Northern Africa and the Levante. Ethnobotany of Mountain Regions , Cham, Springer: 1-2237
- Bussmann, RW; Paniagua Zambrana, NY; Sikharulidze, S; Kikodze, D; Khutsishvili, M; Chelidze, D; Maisaia, I; Jorjadze, A, Batsatsashvili, K. (2024):
- Edible wild herbs and mushrooms of Tusheti (the eastern Greater Caucasus), Georgia.. Ethnobotany Research and Applications 29:60: doi: 10.32859/era.29.60.1-13
- de Klerk, P (2024):
- Vegetation history and landscape development in and around the Friedländer Große Wiese peatland (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, NE Germany): an integration of palaeoecological and geomorphological data - mit ausführlicher Zusammenfassung auf Deutsch.. Proceedings of the Greifswald Mire Centre 3/2024
- de Klerk, P (2024):
- Peatland paintings from the past: A picture of a wetland described by Philostratus the Elder (ca. 190–230 CE).. Mires and Peat 32:11: doi: 10.19189/MaP.2024.OMB.Sc.2417895
- Fondjo J.A.Y., Fiemapong A.R.N., Tindo A., Duressa T.F., Ivković S. & Husemann, M. (2024):
- Taxonomic review of the grasshopper genus Pteropera Karsch, 1891 (Orthoptera, Acrididea, Catantopinae) with description of three new species and a preliminary phylogeny of the Cameroonian species. Zookeys 1216: 219-264
- Fondjo J.A.Y., Husemann M., Fiemapong A.R.N. & Missoup A.D. (2024):
- Integrative taxonomic revision of the grasshopper genera Parapetasia Bolívar, 1884, and Loveridgacris Rehn, 1954 (Orthoptera, Pyrgomorphidae), with description of a new species of Loveridgacris. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 71: 265-287
- Hadi, F; Gul, A; Saqibullah; Noreen, S; Shah, GS; Kilic, O; Bussmann, RW. (2024):
- Indigenous utilization of medicinal plants in Kalasha tribes, District Chitral, Hindukush Range, Pakistan. Ethnobotany Research and Applications 27(4): doi: 10.32859/era.27.4.1-19
- Hani, U; Haq, SM; Shabbir, R; Waheed, M; A; Hussain, M; Najar, ZH; Alhimaidi, AR; Amran, AR; Bussmann, RW. (2024):
- Geospatial assessment of climate and human pressure on Snow Leopard habitat in the Trans-Himalayan region of Pakistan. Global Ecology and Conservation 53:e03024: doi: 10.1016/j.gecco.2024.e03024.
- Haq, SM, Lone, FA; Waheed, M; Arshad, F; Bussmann, RW. (2024):
- Analyzing anthropogenic determinants of vegetation distributions pattern in high-elevation forests of the Himalayas. Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Botany 56(4): doi: 10.30848/PJB2024-4(42)
- Haq, SM; Khoja, AA; Waheed, M; Pieroni, A; Siddiqui, MH; Bussmann, RW. (2024):
- Plant cultural indicators of forest resources from the Himalayan high mountains: implications for improving agricultural resilience, subsistence, and forest restoration.. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 20(44): doi: 10.1186/s13002-024-00685-w
- Haq, SM; Khoja, AA; Waheed, M; Siddiqui, MH; Alamri, S; Alfagham, AT; AL-Humaid, LA; Bussmann, RW. (2024):
- Food ethnobotany of forest resource in the high-altitude Himalaya Mountains: Enhancing the food sovereignty of ethnic groups. Forest Policy and Economics 164:103247: doi: 10.1016/j.forpol.2024.103247
- Haq, SM; Waheed, M; Bussmann, RW. (2024):
- "Traditional" use in a global world: unsustainable ethnozoological usage among Himalayan ethnic groups drives species to extinction. Biodiversity and Conservation doi: 10.1007/s10531-024-02778-0
- Haq, SM; Waheed, M; Darwish, M; Siddiqui; Goursi, UH; Kumar, M; Song, L; Bussmann, RW. (2024):
- Biodiversity and carbon stocks of the understory vegetation as indicators for forest health in the Zabarwan Mountain Range, Indian Western Himalaya. Ecological Indicators 159:111685
- Hassan, M; Mir, TA; Jan, M; Amjad, MS; Aziz, MA; Pieroni, A; Vitasović‑Kosić, I; Bussmann, RW. (2024):
- Foraging for the future: traditional culinary uses of wild plants in the Western Himalayas– Kashmir Valley (India).. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 20:66: doi: 10.1186/s13002-024-00707-7
- Höfer H & Raub F (2024):
Data Paper.
Spider assemblages (Arachnida: Araneae) in burned and intact mountain heathlands in the Northern Black Forest.
Arachnologische Mitteilungen 67: 53
- Husemann, M., Guershon, M., Weinstein, A., & Dorchin, N. (2024):
- Type catalogue of the Orthoptera collection in the Steinhardt Museum of Natural History, Tel Aviv University, Israel. Zootaxa 5468: 449-467
- Ivković S. , Dey L.S., Horvat L., Iorgu I.Ș., Buzzetti F.M. & Hochkirch A. (2024):
- The taxonomic status of recently described Isophya taxa from Serbia (Tettigoniidae, Phaneropterinae). European Journal of Taxonomy 935: 241-255
- Ivković S., Horvat L. & Vujić, M. (2024):
- Rediscovery of the Common Speckled Bush-cricket, Leptophyes punctatissima (Bosc, 1792) (Orthoptera: Phaneropteridae) in Serbia. Zootaxa 5501: 488-492
- Jabeen, S; Arshad, F; Harun, N; Waheed, M; Alamri, S; Haq, SM; Vitasoviç-Kosiç, I; Fatima, K; Chaudhry, AS; Bussmann, RW. (2024):
- Folk Knowledge and Perceptions about the Use of Wild Fruits and Vegetables–Cross-Cultural Knowledge in the Pipli Pahar Reserved Forest of Okara, Pakistan. Plants 13:832: doi: 10.3390/plants13060832
- Jabeen, T; Amjad, MS; Ahmad, K.; Bussmann, RW; Qureshi, H; Vitasović-Kosić, I. (2024):
- Ethnomedicinal Plants and Herbal Preparations Used by Rural Communities in Tehsil Hajira (Poonch District of Azad Kashmir, Pakistan). Plants 13:1379: doi: 10.3390/plants13101379
- Jan, HA; Bussmann, RW; Mir, TA; Haschem, A; Abd_Allah EF (2024):
- Cross-regional ethnomedicinal study of plant-based herba tea used to cure various diseases in six Thesils of District Buner, Northern Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Botany 56(5): doi: 10.30848/PJB2024-5(18)
- Kasalo N., Skejo J., Tumbrinck J., Wedmann S. & Husemann M. (2024):
- Two new fossil Tetrigidae (Insecta: Orthoptera: Caelifera) from the Grube Messel (Germany). Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments : 1-7.
- Kasalo, N., Husemann, M., van de Kamp, T., & Skejo, J. (2024):
- Description of Phelene rheinschmidti from Equador with notes on the subfamily Lophotettiginae (Orthoptera, Tetrigidae). Evolutionary Systematics 8: 119-125
- Khamraeva, DT; Fakhriddinova, D; Khojimatov, O; Bussmann, RW; Abdinazarov, SK. ( (2024):
- Introduction of valuable medicinal plants of traditional medicine of Lamiaceae family in the conditions of the Tashkent Botanical Garden. Ethnobotany Research and Applications 29(11): doi: 10.32859/era.29.11.1-10
- Khamraeva, DT; Tukhtaeva, DN; Khojimatov, OK; Bussmann, RW (2024):
- Comparative anatomical study of underground and aboveground organs in Ferula tadshikorum Pimenov under natural and introduced environments. Acta Biologica Sibirica 10: doi: 10.5281/zenodo.10475286
- Khan AM, Altaf M, Hussain T, Hamed MH, Safdar U, Ayub A, Memon Z-N, Hafiz A, Ashraf S, Amjad MS, Majeed M, Hassan M, Bussmann RW, Abbasi AM, Al-Yafrsi M, Elansary HO and Mahmoud EA (2024):
- Ethnopharmacological uses of fauna among the people of central Punjab, Pakistan.. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 11:1351693: doi: 10.3389/fvets.2024.1351693
- Khoja, AA; Hamid, M; Hamid, B; Waheed, M; Jameel, MA; Bussmann, RW; Haq, SM. (2024):
- Himalayan Apiaceae - A comprehensive ecological and ethnobotanical evaluation.. Ethnobotany Research and Applications 27(42): doi: 10.32859/era.27.42.1-18
- Khoja, AA; Waheed, M; Haq, SM; Bussmann, RW (2024):
- The role of plants in traditional and current therapy: A case study from North part of Kashmir Himalaya. Ethnobotany Research and Applications 27(5): doi: 10.32859/era.27.5.1-23
- Kikvidze, Z; Bussmann, RW (2024):
- Quo vadis ERA ? - Editorial 2024. Ethnobotany Research and Applications 29(26): doi: 10.32859/era.29.26.1-3
- Kimmig, J.; LaVine, R. J.; Schiffbauer, J. D.; Egenhoff, S. O.; Shelton, K. L.; Leibach, W. W. (2024):
Annelids from the Cambrian (Wuliuan Stage, Miaolingian) Spence Shale Lagerstätte of northern Utah, USA.
Historical Biology 36: 934-943
- Kimmig, J.; Schiffbauer, J. D. (2024):
A modern definition of Fossil-Lagerstätten.
Trends in Ecology and Evolution 39: 621-624
- Klesser R., Blick T., Fritze M.A., Marten A., Hemauer M., Kastner L., Höfer H., Jäger G. & Husemann M. (2024):
Ice cage: new records and cryptic , isolated lineages in wingless snow flies ( Diptera , Limoniidae: Chionea spp.) in German lower mountain ranges.
The Science of Nature 111: 1-16
- Kock, L.-S., Körs, E., Husemann, M., & Davaa, L. (2024):
- Barcoding fails to delimit species in Mongolian Oedipodinae. Insects 15: doi: 10.3390/ insects15020128: 1-16
- Kolster J, Kerl F, Heller K, Mercado-Salas N, Husemann M (2024):
- Host range of the phoretic mite genus Parasitellus (Acariformes: Parasitidae) on wild bees (Apiformes), with specific notes on its morphological and genetic diversity in Northern Germany. Integrative Systematics 7: 31-42
- Letsch H., Vukotić S., Gottsberger B., Friedman A.L.L., Wanat M., Beran F., Fiedler K., Riedel A. (2024):
- The phylogeny of ceutorhynchine weevils (Ceutorhynchinae, Curculionidae): Mitogenome data improve the resolution of tribal relationships. Systematic Entomology 49: 624-634
- Makhkamov, T; Eshonkulov, A; Bussmann, RW; Khojimatov, O; Zafar, M; Ahmad, M; Ruzmetov, U; Yuldashev, A; Islomov, S; Khakimova, D; Xojimatova, D; Ergasheva, N; Sattarov, A; Polatova, A. (2024):
- Ethnobotanical knowledge of medicinal plants from Bukhara Region of Uzbekistan. Ethnobotany Research and Applications 27(26): doi: 10.32859/era.27.26.1-46
- Marifatul, HS, Mohammed, D; Kumar, M; Siddiqui, HM; Bussmann, RW (2024):
- Predicting potential invasion risks of Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit in the arid area of Saudi Arabia. Journal of Arid Land 16: doi: 10.1007/s40333-024-0020-4
- Meier, K.; O’Sullivan, P.; Jochmann, M. M.; Wallrath, T.; Monien, P.; Piepjohn, K.; Lisker, F.; Spiegel, C. (2024):
Shallow Thermal Anomalies and Their Role in the Breakup Evolution Along the Conjugate Margins of the Fram Strait (Svalbard and Eastern North Greenland), Indicated by Low-Temperature Thermochronology.
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 25: e2023GC011074
- Mörtter R. & Trusch R. (2024):
- Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein Karlsruhe e. V., Mitgliederversammlung am 9. April 2024 für das Vereinsjahr 2023. Carolinea 82: 157-166
- Nazar V., Lukhtanov V., Naderi A., Della Bruni C., Zahiri R., Cesaroni D., Sbordoni V. & Todisco V. (2024):
- COI Barcodes combined with multilocus data for representative Aporia taxa shed light on speciation in the high altitude Irano-Turanian mountain plateaus (Lepidoptera: Pieridae). BMC Ecology and Evolution 24: 1-13
- Noori S., Zahiri R., Yusefi G. H., Rajabizadeh M., Hawlitschek O., Rakhshani E., Husemann M. & Rajaei H. (2024):
- Patterns of Zoological Diversity in Iran — A Review. Diversity 16: 621-
- Noori, S., Hawlitschek, O., Rödder, D., Soofi, M., Husemann, M., & Rajaei, H. (2024):
- Extensive mismatch between protected areas and biodiversity hotspots of Iranian Lepidoptera. Insect Conservation and Diversity doi: 10.1111/icad.12760: 1-15
- Noori, S., Hofmann, A., Rödder, D., & Husemann, M. (2024):
- A window to the future : effects of climate change on the distribution patterns of Iranian Zygaenidae and their host plants. Biodiversity and Conservation 33: doi: 10.1007/s10531-023-02760-2: 579-602
- Rajapaksha, R; Chamara, R; Huang, YM; Ojha; R; Pham, VY; Modena de Medeiros, C; Mustapeng, AMA; Coritico, F; Islam, T; Rodríguez Coca, LI; Bussmann, RW; Kamau, P. (2024):
- Living with giant ferns: An ethnobotanical investigation of scaly tree ferns (Cyatheaceae) in a global context.. South African Journal of Botany 175: 453-469
- Riedel A. (2024):
- Taxonomic review of weevils of the tribe Celeuthetini, mainly from Sundaland, Sulawesi and the Lesser Sunda Islands (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Entiminae). Zootaxa 5454: 1-75
- Rindos M., Yakovlev, R. V., McLachlan Hamilton K., Fric Z. F., Knyazev S. A. & Zahiri R. (2024):
- Phylogeography and bioclimatic models revealed a complicated genetic structure and future range shifts of Lymantria monacha L.. Zoologica Scripta 53: 650-664
- Sadunishvili, T; Maisaia, I; Sikharulidze, N; Bussmann, RW; Paniagua Zambrana, NY; Batsatsashvili, K, Darchidze, T. (2024):
- Foxtail millet (Setaria italica (L.) P. Beauv.) culture in Georgia, South Caucasus.. Ethnobotany Research and Applications 29:55: doi:10.32859/era.29.55.1-21
- Sajjad, M; Abbas, Z; Khan, SM; Abdullah, A; Yoo, S; Han, H; Raposo, A; Bussmann, RW (2024):
- Sharing the ecological knowledge of plants used in handicrafts as a survival strategy of rural communities of Dera Ghazi Khan district, Pakistan. Ethnobotany Research and Applications 27(7): doi: 10.32859/era.27.7.1-15
- Scholler, M.; Braun, U.; Bubner, B. (2024):
- Melampsora. In: Bhunjan et al.: What are the most cited fungal genera? Studies in Mycology 108: 237-241
- Sofi, PA; Masoodi, TH; Pala, NA; Waheed, M; Alamri, S; Khan, SM; Alakeel, KA; Haq, SM; Bussmann, RW (2024):
- Exploration of the ecology and ex-situ conservation of Betula utilis D. Don: Insights from topography, edaphic factors, and nursery management practices.. Trees, Forests and People 18: doi: 10.1016/j.tfp.2024.100721
- Stockey, R. G.; and 55 authors including Kimmig, J. (2024):
Multiple sustained increases in atmospheric oxygen and marine productivity through the Neoproterozoic and Paleozoic Eras.
Nature Geoscience 17: 667-674
- Trusch R. (2024):
- Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein Karlsruhe e. V., Entomologische Arbeitsgemeinschaft, Rückblick auf das Jahr 2023. Carolinea 82: 167-169
- Umair, M; Altaf, M; Ahsan, T; Bussmann, RW; Abbasi, AM; Gatasheh, MK; Elrobh, M (2024):
- Study of medicinal plants used in ethnoveterinary medical system in riverine areas of Punjab, Pakistan. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 20(48): doi: 10.1186/s13002-024-00686-9
- Valdiviezo-Campos, JE; Rodriguez-Aredo, CD; Ruiz-Reyes, SG, Venegas-Casanova, EA; Bussmann, RW; Ganoza-Yupanqui, ML (2024):
- Identification of polyphenols by UPLC MS/MS and their potential insilico antiviral activity from medicinal plants in Trujillo, Peru.. Journal of Pharmacy & Pharmacognosy Research 12(2), doi: 10.56499/jppres23.1807_12.2.323: 323-347
- Verhaagh M. & Höfer H. (2024):
Nachruf auf Ludwig Beck 9. August 1935 - 1. Dezember 2022.
Zoologie, Mitteilungen der Dtsch. Zool. Ges. 2024: 55-60
- Waheed, M; Hani, UE; Arshad, F; Jabeen, A; Alamri, S; Siddiqui, MH; Haq, SM; Shoaib, M; Bussmann, RW. (2024):
- Exploring botanical diversity, ecological traits, and edaphic determinants in Kala Chitta National Park, Pakistan: Implications for conservation and management.. Environmental and Sustainability Indicators : doi: 10.1016/j.indic.2024.100501.
- Waheed, M; Haq, MS; Arshad, F; Vitasović-Kosić, I; Bussmann, RW; Hashem, A; Abd-Allah, EF. (2024):
- Xanthium strumarium L., an invasive species in the subtropics: prediction of potential distribution areas and climate adaptability in Pakistan. BMC Ecology and Evolution 24(124): doi: 10.1186/s12862-024-02310-6
- Waheed, M; Haq, SM; Arshad, F; Bussmann, RW; Hashem, A; Abd_Allah, EF. (2024):
- Plant distribution, ecological traits and diversity patterns of vegetation in subtropical managed forests as guidelines for forest management policy. Frontiers Forests and Global Change 7:1406075: doi: 10.3389/ffgc.2024.1406075
- Waheed, M; Walas, Ł; Alipour, S; Arshad, F; Jameel, MA; Siddiqui, M; Alamri, S; Haq, SM; Bussmann, RW. (2024):
- Global climate change increases the risk of invasion and the expansion of paper mulberry in the subtropical region. Global Ecology and Conservation 54:e03088: doi: 10.1016/j.gecco.2024.e03088
- Wieners, M.; Thines, M.; Scholler, M. (2024):
Hidden treasures – historical specimens from the late blight pandemic discovered in the Herbarium of the State Museum of Natural History Karlsruhe.
Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection 131: 1113-1119
- Yang, X.; Kimmig, J.; Cameron, C. B.; Nanglu, K.; Kimmig, S. R.; de Carle, D.; Zhang, C.; Yu, M.; Peng, S. (2024):
An early Cambrian pelago-benthic acorn worm and the origin of the hemichordate larva.
Palaeontologia Electronica 27: a17
- Zaman, M; Jabeen, A; Waheed, M; Haq, SM; Hashem, A; Almutairi, KF; Abd_Allah, EF; Bussmann, RW. (2024):
- Gendered ethnobotanical practices and their influence on livelihoods: Non-Timber Forest Product collection around Ayubia National Park. Trees, Forests and People 19:100752: doi: 10.1016/j.tfp.2024.100752
- Ahad, L; Hassan, M; Amjad, MS; Mir, RA; Vitasoviç-Kosiç, I; Bussmann, RW; Binish, Z. (2023):
- Ethnobotanical Insights into Medicinal and Culinary Plant Use: The Dwindling Traditional Heritage of the Dard Ethnic Group in the Gurez Region of the Kashmir Valley, India.. Plants 12:3599: doi: 10.3390/ plants12203599
- Ali E, Azhar MF, Bussmann RW. (2023):
- Ethnobotanical inventory and medicinal applications of plants used by the local people of Cholistan desert Pakistan.. Ethnobotany Research and Applications 25:2: doi: 10.32859/era.25.21.1-23
- Aliev, AM; Murtazaliev, RA; Vagabova, FA; Guseynova, ZZ; Ramazanova, BA; Islamova, FI; Alibegova, AN; Osmanov, RM; Mallaliev, MM; Mamalieva, MM; Radzhabov, GK; Anatov, DM; Bussmann, RW (2023):
- Ethnobotany of Dagestan. Ethnobotany Research and Applications 26: doi: 10.32859/era.26.66.1-63
- Angmo K, Gailson L, Adhikari BS, Bussmann RW, Rawat GS. (2023):
- Perception of medical health care practitioners and health care consumers towards traditional health care systems in western Ladakh India. Ethnobotany Research and Applications 25:43: doi: 10.32859/era.25.43.1-9
- Bach A., Roß-Nickoll M., Holstein J., Ottermanns R., Raub F., Triebel D., Weiss M., Wendt I. & Höfer H. (2023):
Improved access to arachnological data for ecological research through the ARAMOB data repository, supported by Diversity Workbench and NFDI data pipelines.
Arachnologische Mitteilungen 66: 79-85
- Bänsch, J.; Dubois, C.; Wieners, M.; Fischer, M.; Scholler M. (2023):
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- Bashir SM, Altaf M, Hussain T, Umair M, Majeed M, MangrioWM, Khan AM, Gulshan AB, Hamed MH, Ashraf S, Amjad MS, Bussmann RW, Abbasi AM, Casini R, Alataway A, Dewidar AZ, Al-Yafrsi M, Amin MH, Elansary HO. (2023):
- Vernacular Taxonomy Cultural and Ethnopharmacological Applications of Avian and Mammalian Species in the Vicinity of Ayubia National Park Himalayan Region. Biology 12:609: doi: 10.3390/biology12040609
- Bauer T., Falato R. & Pantini P. (2023):
- Xysticus grallator Simon, 1932 new to mainland Italy (Araneae,
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- Benkhnigue O, Khamar H, Bussmann RW, Chaachouay N, Zidane L. (2023):
- Ethnobotanical and ethnopharmacological study of medicinal plants used in treating some liver diseases in the Al-Haouz Rehamna region (Morocco). Ethnobotany Research and Applications 25:34: doi: 10.32859/era.25.34.1-32
- Bicknell, R. D. C.; Kimmig, J. (2023):
Clustered and injured Pseudogygites latimarginatus from the late Ordovician Lindsay Formation, Canada.
Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie 309: 199-208
- Bicknell, R. D. C.; Smith, P. M.; Kimmig, J. (2023):
Novel coprolitic records from the Silurian (Přídolí) Wallace Shale of New South Wales.
Alcheringa: An Australasian Journal of Palaeontology 47: 24-30
- Boboev S, Makhkamov T, Bussmann RW, Zafar M, Yuldashev A. (2023):
- Anatomical and phytochemical studies and ethnomedicinal uses of Colchicum autumnale L.. Ethnobotany Research and Applications 25:6: doi: 10.32859/era.25.6.1-9
- Botero J. P., Tavakilian G. L., Seidel M., Husemann, M. & Simões, M. V. P. (2023):
- An annotated type catalogue of the Cerambycidae (Insecta: Coleoptera) in the Zoological Museum Hamburg. European Journal of Taxonomy 869: 1-50
- Dastagir G, Bibi S, Ul Uza N, Bussmann RW, I, Samiullah. (2023):
- Microscopic evaluation ethnobotanical and phytochemical profiling of a traditional drug Viola odorata L. from Pakistan. Ethnobotany Research and Applications 25:4: doi: 10.32859/era.25.4.1-24
- Devriese H. & Husemann M. (2023):
- Afrosystolederus garmsi (Orthoptera, Tetrigidae), a new genus and species from Mount Gibi (Liberia) with remarks on Systolederus, Pseudosystolederus and Teredorus. Diversity 15: 1-17
- Devriese, H., Nguyen, E., & Husemann, M. (2023):
- An identification key to the genera and species of Afrotropical Tetrigini (genera Paratettix, Leptacrydium, Hedotettix, Rectitettix nov. gen., and Alienitettix nov.gen.) with general remarks on the taxonomy of Tetrigini (Orthoptera, Tetrigidae). Zootaxa 5285: doi: 10.11646/zootaxa.5285.3.4: 511-556
- Farias Lima, JR; Nunes Carvalho, TK; Santos Souza, R; Hart, R; Bussmann, RW; Fernandes Magalhães, H; da Silva Oliveira, RC; Farias Paiva de Lucena, R. (2023):
- Can the traditional use of native plant species in rural communities in the Brazilian semi-arid region be affected by global warming?. Ethnobiology and Conservation 12:11: doi:10.15451/ec2023-06-12.11-121
- Gafforov, Y; Rašeta, M; Rapior, S; Yarasheva, M;Wang, X; Zhou, L;Wan-Mohtar, WAAQI; Zafar, M; Lim, YW; Wang, M; Abdullaev, B; Bussmann, RW; Zengin, G; Chen, J (2023):
- Macrofungi as Medicinal Resources in Uzbekistan: Biodiversity, Ethnomycology, and Ethnomedicinal Practices. Journal of Fungi 9(922): doi: 10.3390/jof9090922
- Gao, J; Xue, T; Xia, X; Tang, C; Qin, F; Yang, X; Wang, J; Huang, Y; Qi, Y; Bussmann, RW; Luo, C; Yu, SX (2023):
- Priority management measures based on analyses of conservation effectiveness and threat factors for medicinal plants used by three ethnic groups in China. Biological Conservation 283:110120: doi: 10.1016/j.biocon.2023.110120
- Gaugel, S. M., Hawlitschek, O., Dey, L. S., & Husemann, M. (2023):
- Evolution of mitogenomic gene order in Orthoptera. Insect Molecular Biology 32: doi: 10.1111/imb.12838: 387-399
- Gil-Santana H.R. & Husemann M (2023):
- New records of Reduviidae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) from Costa Rica, Ecuador, French Guiana, Paraguay, and Peru. Revista Chilena de Entomologia 49: 395-412
- Goldammer, J.; Ahrens, M. (2023):
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- Haacks M., Troch C.-P., Demuth T., Schulz K., Hawlitschek O. & Husemann M. (2023):
- Nachruf auf Frank Röbbelen 22.10.1948-17.02.2022. Natur im Fokus : 17-20
- Haq SM, Waheed M, Bussmann RW. (2023):
- Measuring forest health at stand level: A multi-indicator evaluation for use in adaptive management and policy. Ecological Indicators 150:110225: doi: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2023.110225
- Haq SM, Waheed M, Khoja AA, Amjad MS, Bussmann RW, Ali K. (2023):
- A cross-cultural study of high-altitude botanical resources among diverse ethnic groups in Kashmir Himalaya India. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 19(2): doi: 10.1186/s13002-023-00582-8
- Haq, SM; Amjad, MS; Waheed, M; Bussmann, RW; Ali, K; Jones, DA. (2023):
- Vegetation communities and identification of indicator species in the riparian areas of Zabarwan mountain range in the Kashmir Himalaya. Environmental and Sustainability Indicators : doi: 10.1016/j.indic.2023.100277
- Haq, SM; Khoja, AA; Lone, FA; Waheed, M; Bussmann, RW; Mahmoud, EA; Elansary, HO. (2023):
- Floristic composition, life history traits and phytogeographic distribution of forest vegetation in the Western Himalaya. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change 6: doi: 10.3389/ffgc.2023.1169085
- Haq, SM; Pieroni, A; Bussmann, RW; Abd‑ElGawad, AM; El‑Ansary, HO. (2023):
- Integrating traditional ecological knowledge into habitat restoration: implications for meeting forest restoration challenges.. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 19:33: doi: 10.1186/s13002-023-00606-3
- Haq, SM; Waheed, M; Bussmann, RW; Kumar, M. (2023):
- Trouble in the rice field: Distribution ecology and indicator value of weed species in the rice fields of Himalayan region.. Acta Ecologica Sinica : doi: 10.1016/j.chnaes.2023.07.012
- Haq, SM; Waheed, M; R; Bussmann, RW; Arshad, F; AM; Casini, R; Alataway, A; AZ; Elansary, HO. (2023):
- Climate Change and Human Activities, the Significant Dynamic Drivers of Himalayan Goral Distribution (Naemorhedus goral). Biology 12:610: doi: 10.3390/biology12040610
- Hawlitschek O., Sadílek D., Dey L. S., Buchholz K., Noori S., Baez I. L., Wehrt T., Brozio J., Trávníček P., Seidel M. &Husemann M. (2023):
- New estimates of genome size in Orthoptera and their evolutionary implications. PLoS One 18: 1-20
- Hawlitschek, O., Bruns, C., Dey, L.-S., Nuhlickova, S., Felix, R., & Husemann, M. (2023):
- The Genomics of Isolated Populations of Gampsocleis glabra (Orthoptera: Tettgoniidae) in Central and Western Europe. Insects doi: 10.3390/insects14120946: 1-12
- Heckeberg N. S., Zachos F. E., Kierdorf U. (2023):
Antler tine homologies and cervid systematics: A review of past and present controversies with special emphasis on Elaphurus davidianus.
Anatomical Record 306: 5-28
- Hochkirch A., Dey L. S. & Husemann M. (2023):
- Phylogeography of the grasshopper genus Oedipoda (Acrididae: Oedipodinae) in the Mediterranean: classic refugia and cryptic lineages. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 140: 85-95
- Husemann M (2023):
- Der neue Direktor des Naturkundemuseums Karlsruhe im Kurzportät. Carolinea 81: 5-8
- Hussain J, Mehta JP, Singh A, Bagria AJ, Singh H, Nautiyal MC, Bussmann RW. (2023):
- Ethno-medicinal plants of indigenous people: A case study in Khatling valley of Western Himalaya India. Ethnobotany Research and Applications 25:3: 10.32859/era.25.3.1-19
- Hussain, K; Ul Islam Dar, ME; Mehmood, A; Sabir, S; MS; Ahmad, KS; Bussmann, RW. (2023):
- Ethnomedicinal uses and conservation status of medicinal orchids from Western Himalayas of Azad Jammu & Kashmir, Pakistan. Ethnobotany Research and Applications 26(1): doi: 10.32859/era.26.1.1- 13
- Hyde, K.D et al. (2023):
Global consortium for the classification of fungi and fungus-like taxa.
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- Iqbal KJ, Umair M, Altaf M, Hussain T, Ahmad RM, Zain Ul Abdeen SM, Pieroni P, Abbasi AM, Ali S, Ashraf S, Amjad N, Khan AM, Bussmann RW. (2023):
- Cross-cultural diversity analysis: traditional knowledge and uses of freshwater fish species by indigenous peoples of southern Punjab Pakistan. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 19(4): doi: 10.1186/s13002-022-00573-1
- Islomova, S; Asqarov, I; Bussmann, RW; Khojimatov, OK; Zafar, M; Makhkamov, T. ( (2023):
- Ethnobotany, medicinal utilization and analysis of biogenic elements and flavonoids of Apium graveolens and Tussilago farfara from Uzbekistan. Ethnobotany Research and Applications 26:36: doi: 10.32859/era.26.36.1-12
- Jameel, MA; Nadeem, MS; Haq, SM; Iqra Mubeen, Arifa Shabbir, Shahzad Aslam, Riyaz Ahmad, Gaafar, ARZ; Al-Munqedhi, BMA; Bussmann, RW. (2023):
- Shifts in the distribution range and niche dynamics of the globally threatened Western Tragopan (Tragopan melanocephalus) due to climate change and human population pressure. Biology 12:1015: doi: 10.3390/biology12071015
- Jan, HA; Mir, TA; Bussmann, RW; Jan, M; Hanif, U; Wali, S. (2023):
- Cross-cultural ethnomedicinal study of the wild species of the genus Berberis used by the ethnic communities living along both sides of the Indo-Pak border in Kashmir.. Ethnobotany Research and Applications 26(3): doi: 10.32859/era.26.3.1-14
- Jan, M; Mir, TA; Jan, HA; Bussmann, RW; Aneaus, S. (2023):
- Ethnomedicinal study of plants utilized in pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum healthcare in Kashmir Himalaya. Journal of Herbal Medicine 42: doi: 10.1016/j.hermed.2023.100767
- Jorjadze, A; Bussmann, RW; Paniagua Zambrana, NY; Batsatsashvili, K; Svanidze, E. (2023):
- Traditional use of Polypores in Georgia (the Caucasus).. Ethnobotany Research and Applications 26:5: doi: 10.32859/era.26.5.1-18
- Kasalo N., Skejo J. & Husemann M. (2023):
- DNA Barcoding of Pygmy Hoppers—The First Comprehensive Overview of the BOLD Systems’ Data Shows Promise for Species Identification. Diversity 15: 1-17
- Khamraeva DT, Tukhtaeva DN, Khojimatov OK Bussmann RW. (2023):
- Ferula tadshikorum Pimenov - introduction chemical composition and use in folk medicine. Ethnobotany Research and Applications 25:24: doi: 10.32859/era.25.24.1-10
- Khamraeva, D; Usmonov M; Bussmann, R; Khalilova, E; Kodirov, U. (2023):
- New data on the morphological and anatomical structure, chemical composition and distribution area of a rare species Komarovia anisosperma in Uzbekistan. Biological Communications 68(1): 10.21638/spbu03.2023.102
- Khan K, Jan G, Irfan M, Jan FG, Hamayun M, Ullah F, Bussmann RW. (2023):
- Ethnoveterinary uses of medicinal plants amongst the tribal populations of District Malakand Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan. Ethnobotany Research and Applications 25:42: doi: 10.32859/era.25.42.1-24
- Khojimatov, OK; Gaffrov, Y; Bussmann, RW. (2023):
- Ethnobiology of Uzbekistan. Ethnobiology of Uzbekistan , Cham, Springer Nature Publishing
- Kiany N., Seiedy M., Hakimitabar M & Husemann M. (2023):
- A new species of Eutrombidium (Acari : Trombidiformes : Microtrombidiidae) found in a hotspot region of Iran, the Zagros Mountains. Acarologia 63: 1-11
- Kimmig, J.; Pates, S.; LaVine, R. J.; Krumenacker, L. J.; Whitaker, A. F.; Strotz, L. C.; Jamison, P. G.; Gunther, V. G.; Gunther, G.; Witte, M.; Daley, A. C.; Lieberman, B. S. (2023):
New soft-bodied panarthropods from diverse Spence Shale (Cambrian; Miaolingian; Wuliuan) depositional environments.
Journal of Paleontology 97: 1025-1048
- Kolter A, Husemann M, Podsiadlowski L. & Gemeinholzer B. (2023):
- Pollen metabarcoding of museum specimens and recently collected bumblebees (Bombus) indicates foraging shifts. Metabarcoding and Metagenomics 7: 89-119
- Kosimov, ZZ; Khojimatov, OK; Bussmann, RW. (2023):
- Quantitative Ethnobotany of medicinal plants used by the mountain population of the Kitab Region, Uzbekistan. Quantitative Ethnobotany of medicinal plants used by the mountain population of the Kitab Region, Uzbekistan 26:37: doi: 10.32859/era.26.37.1-13
- Köttgen S & Husemann M (2023):
- Warum Honigbienen eine Gefahr für Wildbienen sind. Natur und Umwelt 2: 12-13
- Köttgen, S., & Husemann, M. (2023):
- Zum Konflikt zwischen Honigbienen und Wildbienen – vor allem in der Stadt Hintergrund. Verhandlungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins in Hamburg 54: 131-144
- Kwak, M; Bussmann, RW. (2023):
- The complete chloroplast genome sequence of Rhododendron caucasicum (Ericaceae). Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 53(3), doi: 10.11110/kjpt.2023.53.3.230: 230-236
- Landaverde-González P., Gardner J., Moo-Valle H., Quezada-Euán J. J. G., Ayala R. & Husemann M. (2023):
- Seven new species of Lasioglossum (Dialictus) Robertson, 1902 (Hymenoptera: Halictidae: Halictini) from the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico. European Journal of Taxonomy 5267: 1-106
- Lehmann I., Zahiri R., Husemann M. (2023):
- Revision of the genus-group complex Metarbelodes Strand, 1909 (Lepidoptera: Cossoidea: Metarbelidae) with the description of two new genera and 33 new species from high elevations of eastern and southern Africa. Zootaxa 5267: 1-106
- Leopold F., Thaut L., Merker A., Hartung V., Lohrmann V., Joger U., Kamcke C., Barilaro C., Sund L., Küster M. & Husemann M. (2023):
- Facettenreiche Insekten – Herausforderungen einer nachhaltigen Wanderausstellung. Natur im Museum 53: 17-20
- Lessmann N. & Manegold A. (2023):
Historische Belege für sehr große Leistenkrokodile (Crocodylus porosus) aus Indonesien am Staatlichen Museum für Naturkunde Karlsruhe (SMNK).
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- Liu Q, Xue T-T, Zhang X-X, Yang X-D, Qin F, Zhang W-D, Wu L, Bussmann RW, Yu S-X. (2023):
- Distribution and conservation of near threatened plants in China. Plant Diversity : doi: 10.1016/j.pld.2023.02.005
- Malik, ZA; Singh, A; Malik, BA; Nautiyal, MC; Bussmann, RW. (2023):
- Megacarpaea polyandra Benth. ex Madden - a promising traditional therapeutic herb from the high-altitude Himalayas: A systematic review. Acta Ecologica Sinica
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- Mazher M, Ishtiaq M, Hamid B, Haq SM, Mazhar M, Bashir F, Bussmann RW. (2023):
- Ethnobotanical importance and conservation status of Citrullus colocynthis (L.) Schrad in division Mirpur Kashmir Himalaya. Ethnobotany Research and Applications 25:33: doi: 10.32859/era.25.33.1-14
- Mir, TA; Jan, M; Bilal, T; Jan, HA; Bussmann, RW; Saini, N. (2023):
- Medicinal plant utilization among three linguistic groups in selected districts of Jammu and Kashmir.. Ethnobotany Research and Applications 26:29:
- Mirzaman, Z; Kayani, S; Manzoor, M; Jameel, MA; Waheed, M; Gillani, SW; Babar, CM; Bussmann, RW. (2023):
- Ethnobotanical study of Makra Hills district Muzaffarabad, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan.. Ethnobotany Research and Applications 26:38: doi: 10.32859/era.26.38.1-17
- Mohammadi, T; Moazzeni, H; Pirani, A; Vaezi, J; Motahhari, K; Joharchi, MR; Bussmann, RW. (2023):
- Ethnobotany of plants used by indigenous communities in Birjand, a dry region with rich local traditional knowledge in eastern Iran.. Ethnobotany Research and Applications 26:21:
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A new species of the jumping spider Flurica Perger & Rubio, 2022 from Southwest Amazon forest (Araneae: Salticidae: Simonellini).
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Paleontology Is Far More Than New Fossil Discoveries.
Scientific American
- Qin F, Zhang XX, Huang YF, Wu L, Xu WB, Xue TT, Zhang WD, Liu Q, Yu JH, Gao JJ, Bussmann RW, Wang J, Yu SX. (2023):
- Geographic distribution conservation effectiveness and gaps for national key protected wild plants in China. Journal of Systematics and Evolution : doi: 10.1111/jse.12941
- Qin, F; Xue, TT; Liang, YF; Zhang, WD; Liu, Q; Chen, TX; Bussmann, RW; Han, BC; Yu, SX. (2023):
- Present status, future trends, and control strategies of invasive alien plants in China affected by human activities and climate change.. Ecography e06919: doi: 10.1111/ecog.06919
- Rahman IU, Ijaz F, Bussmann RW. (2023):
- Editorial: Ethnoveterinary practices: Animal production healthcare and livelihood development. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 9:1086311: doi: 10.3389/fvets.2022.1086311
- Rajaei, H., Karsholt, O., Hofmann, A., Nazari, V., Ulmer, J.M., Wanke, D. & Zahiri, R. (2023):
- A historical review of lepidopterology in Iran. Integrative Systematics 6: 19-62
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- General patterns of the Lepidoptera of Iran. Integrative Systematics 6: 69-81
- Rajapaksha R, Pham VT, Ojha R, Islam T, De Silva N, Pushpakumara G, Bussmann RW. (2023):
- Ethnobotany of Lasia spinosa (L.) Thwaites: the spiny edible aroid in Asia. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution : doi: 10.1007/s10722-023-01574-z
- Ramezani , E; de Klerk, P; Mrotzek, A; Joosten, H (2023):
- From the coldest ice age to green carpets of beauty: A 20,000-year vegetation history from the Hyrcanian forest refugium of northern Iran. Quarternary Science Reviews 320:108352: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2023.108352
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- Long-term dynamics of Oriental beech (Fagus orientalis Lipsky) stands in the Hyrcanian forests of northern Iran. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 312:104871: doi: 10.1016/j.revpalbo.2023.104871
- Ranil RHG Wijewickrama MPT, Rajatewa RMAPM, Bussmann RW. (2023):
- Etymology of botanical nomenclature: Sri Lankan contribution. Ceylon Journal of Science 51(1): 1-16
- Rasser, M.; Spiske, M.; Battenstein, M.; Lehmkuhl, A.; Ambrosius, R.; Hanewinkel, A.; Müller, J. (2023):
Neues von der Fossillagerstätte Öhninger Maar (Mittel-Miozän, Hegau).
Jahresberichte und Mitteilungen des Oberrheinischen Geologischen Vereins 105: 285-302
- Raub F., Bach A., Bauer T. & Höfer H. (2023):
Editorial. Data paper publication in Arachnologische Mitteilungen – Goals, review criteria, editorial
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Arachnologische Mitteilungen 66: iii-iv
- Rubio G. D., Perger R., Baigorria J. E., Metzner H. & Höfer H. (2023):
Description of three new species of the jumping spider Chira Peckham & Peckham, 1896 (Araneae: Salticidae) from Argentina, Bolivia, and Brazil, with a provisional identification key to the species of the genus.
Arachnology 19: 873-880
- Schall O. K. O., Kotthoff U. & Husemann M (2023):
- Three new species of Elcanidae (Insecta: Orthoptera) from Myanmar amber and a discussion about phylogeny, ecology and evolutionary origin of Myanmar-amber Elcanidae. PalZ : 1-17
- Shah IA Burni T, Badshah L, Ul Uza N, Bussmann RW. (2023):
- Quantitative ethnobotanical study and conservation status of herbal flora of Koh-e-Suleman range Razmak valley North Waziristan Pakistan. Ethnobotany Research and Applications 25:26: doi: 10.32859/era.26.5.1-18
- Shaheen, H; Aziz, S; Nasar, S; Waheed, M; Manzoor, M; Siddiqui, MH; Alamri, S; Haq, SM; Bussmann, RW (2023):
- Distribution patterns of alpine flora for long-term monitoring of global change along a wide elevational gradient in the Western Himalayas. Global Ecology and Conservation 48:e02702: doi: 10.1016/j.gecco.2023.e02702
- Sher, H; Ali, A; Sher, H; Bussmann, RW; Ur Rahman, I; Ullah, H; Ali, A; Ullah, Z. (2023):
- Sustainability and socio-economic impacts of plant resources utilization in Valley Lalku, District Swat, Pakistan.. Ethnobotany Research ans Applications 26:54: 10.32859/era.26.54.1-18
- Silva-Brandão K. L. & Husemann M. (2023):
- What is the importance of a name ? The case of the European Peacock butterfly. News of the Lepidopterists' Society 65: 51-55
- Simmel, J; Ahrens, M (2023):
- Bestimmungsschlüssel für vegetative Pflanzen der Brachytheciaceae Mitteleuropas und Nachtrag der Ellenberg’schen N-Zahlen für bislang fehlende Arten. Hoppea 83
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- Potential of wild edible fruits for nutrition in indigenous communities of Northwest Himalaya India. Ethnobotany Research and Applications 25:9: doi: 10.32859/era.25.9.1-15
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Sachplan Geologische Tiefenlager, Etappe 3; «Harte Bänke»: Genese, Typisierung und Korrelation.
Expertengruppe Geologische Tiefenlagerung, Positionspapier
- Suárez-Rebaza LA, de Albuquerque RDDG, Zavala E, Alva-Plasencia PM, Ganoza-Suárez MM, Ganoza-Yupanqui ML, Bussmann RW. (2023):
- Chemical composition and antioxidant capacity of purified extracts of Prosopis pallida (Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.) Kunth (Fabaceae) fruits from Northern Peru. Blacpma 22(5): doi: 10.37360/blacpma.
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- How genomics dan help biodiversity conservation. Trends in Genetics 39: 545-559
- Torres-Guevara FA, Ganoza-Yupanqui ML, Mantilla-Rodriguez E, Suárez-Rebaza LA, Bussmann RW. (2023):
- Ethnobotany of fruit species native to paramos and cloud forests of Northern Peru. Ethnobotany Research and Applications 25:10: doi: 10.32859/era.25.10.1-15
- Uchida K., Husemann M. & Kotthoff U. (2023):
- A new Cretaceous orthopteran family of the Caelifera (order: Orthoptera) from Burmese amber of northern Myanmar. PalZ : 1-9
- Ur Rahman, I; Hart, RE; Afzal, A; Iqbal, Z; Bussmann, RW; Ijaz, F; Khan, MA; Ali, H; Ur Rahman, S; Hashem, A; Abd_Allah, EF; Sher, A; Soares Calixto, E. (2023):
- Vegetation–environment interactions: plant species distribution and community assembly in mixed coniferous forests of Northwestern Himalayas.. Scientific Reports 13:17228: doi: 10.1038/s41598-023-42272-1
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- Potential distribution of a noxious weed (Solanum viarum Dunal) current status and future invasion risk based on MaxEnt modeling. Geology Ecology and Landscapes : doi: 10.1080/24749508.2023.2179752
- Waheed M, Haq SM, Arshad F, Bussmann RW, Ali HM, Siddiqui MH. (2023):
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