Andrias 19 - page 219

& M
: Deltopyxis triangulispora gen. et sp. nov.
with an indistinct stipe-like base, superficial, round,
hymenium flat, light cream to dark brownish-grey
or blackish, margin dark brown to black, always
indistinctly to distinctly crenulate-pustulate, hair-
less, protruding (0-)5-20 µm beyond hymenium
{4}, exterior on flanks ± glabrous.
40(-50) × (8-)9.5-12(-13) µm {6}, †(23-)35-40(-45)
× (7-)8-10 µm (spores alive) {5}, †24-35(-45) ×
(6.5-)7-10(-11) µm {7} (spores dead), ellipsoid-
clavate-fusoid, 64‑spored (50-64 spores counted)
{6}, spores in living mature asci forming a central
column *23-33 × 6.5-9 µm, in dead asci filling the
whole ascus lumen;
of mature asci broadly
hemisphaerical, rather thin-walled (*0.3-0.4 µm,
O 0.5-0.6 µm), in KOH subapical and upper
lateral wall dictinctly swollen (especially in imma-
ture asci), 0.5-1.4 µm thick {4}, with a ± distinct
apical chamber (here wall 0.3-0.7 µm thick), open-
ing by a large slit-like pore, entirely IKI- {4} (with
or without pretreatment with 5 % KOH), wall sur-
face in CRB faintly to deeply lilac {2}, ectotunica of
apex in KOH+CR
partly distinctly reddish;
± unstalked, rarely stalked, arising from croziers
without perforation {6}; immature living asci with
fusion nucleus 5 µm diam {2}, nucleolus 2.5 µm
diam, asci multinucleate prior to spore delimita-
tion, ascoplasma staining red-brown in IKI only at
the base of some submature asci.
slightly to strongly triangular in profile view, medi-
um flattened and ± deltoid to ovoid in dorsal view,
*(2.5-)2.8-3.5(-4) × (2-)2.2-2.8(-3) µm {7}, †2.3-3
× 1.8-2.3 µm {1}, *1.8-2.3 µm wide in dorsal view
(†1.7-1.9 µm); with 1-4 LBs 0.5-1.2 µm diam {4}
(often only near one end, relative lipid content 2-3),
KOH-inert, CRB-; wall surface CRB-, CR-; germi-
nating ascospores rarely seen, budding to form
*2-3 × 1-1.2
µm {1} with 1-2 small LBs.
consistently unbranched along their entire length,
without anastomoses, laterally emerging from ex-
cipular cells at the junction of hymenium and ectal
excipulum, terminal cells *2.7-6 × (2-)2.5-3(-3.3)
µm {4}, †2.3l-7 {2} × (1.3-)1.8-2.7(-3) µm {4} (3-4
µm wide including gel sheath), slightly to distinctly
clavate-capitate, lower cells *(4-)5-9(-10) × (1.5-)
1.7-2.3(-2.7) µm {5}, †(4-)5-6.5(-7.5) × (1-)1.3-1.8
(-2) µm {2}, near base *4-7× 2.2-3.5 µm (†1.6-
2.3 µm wide); 2-4 µm longer than living asci, 4-9
µm longer than dead asci; living cells constricted
at septa, containing a few small LBs, some ter-
minal or lower cells with a very indistinct, tran-
sient, globose body 1-1.2 µm diam; middle part
agglutinated with asci by a gel (CRB bright lilac);
directly attached or over a 0.5-1.5 µm
thick gel, cloddy to granular, pale to deep yellow-
ish- to ochraceous- or olivaceous-brown, 0.2-0.6
up to 1-2 µm thick, unchanged in KOH.
lary excipulum
5-30 µm thick, of hyaline, dense,
slightly gelatinized, partly horizontally oriented
textura globulosa-angularis-prismatica, cells *2-5
µm wide, multiguttulate to eguttulate, indistinctly
delimited from ectal excipulum.
Ectal excipulum
at base and lower flanks of textura (prismatica‑)
globulosa-angularis, (10-)30-95 µm thick {4}, light
brown (subhyaline near base), orientation irregu-
lar or at a 30-90° angle towards surface, individual
cells *(5-)6-12(-17) × (3-)4-7(-9) µm {5}, contain-
ing a few or many larger and smaller hyaline LBs
(0.2-)1-2(-3) µm diam, also ± eguttulate depend-
ing on the population, at mid flanks and margin
15-30 µm thick, of textura prismatica-globulosa ±
irregularly oriented at 10-90°, cells *(2.5-)3-5(-6)
x (2-)2.5-3.5(-4) µm {2}; cells (†) thin-walled but
agglutinated by a medium refractive intercellular
gel */†1-2(-3) µm thick, lower flanks medium gela-
tinized, at mid flanks strongly so, gel in CRB deep
lilac; inner cells at margin forming periphyses-like
outgrowths; intercellular pigment at lower flanks
scattered, light reddish ochre-brown, towards
margin abundant, bright (olivaceous-)yellowish-
ochraceous to red-brown; all parts of ascocarp
inamyloid (IKI);
on excipular surface
forming large, 1-2 µm thick, deep red-brown to ol-
ivaceous-brown clods, scattered on flanks, dense
at margin; pigment unchanged in KOH though
sometimes darker, not dissolved (even when
heated), stained blue in CRB, entirely discoloured
in KClO.
Anchoring hyphae
very sparse, hyaline,
smooth, *1.5-2 µm wide, wall 0.2 µm thick {2}. —
0.12-0.25(-3.5) mm
diam, round, densely gregarious, partly confluent
and then reaching 0.8 mm diam, sessile, with a
bright ochre- to red-brown peridium composed of
globose, light brown cells; at first globose, black,
apically closed, opening by a transversal slit,
margin indistinctly crenulate, producing a whitish
slimy conidial mass.
to obpyriform, with a short to long neck, *4.5-8
× (2.5-)3-3.3 µm, conidiogenesis phialidic with
minute collarette.
*(2.7-)3.2-4.5 ×
(1-)1.1-1.4(-1.5) µm, straight to slightly curved,
eguttulate or with a single minute LB.
: collected in ca. 1-3 m above ground, on
(9-)12-25(-34) mm thick, corticated or partly de-
corticated, dead, internally little to rather strong­
ly white-rotten, attached or sometimes broken
branches of Corylus avellana {1}, Crataegus sp.
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