Andrias 19 - page 229

& M
: Deltopyxis triangulispora gen. et sp. nov.
Tafel 3
Fig. 3. Branches of Crataegus with Deltopyxis triangulispora (rehydrated, white arrows). a)-c), g) from Léiffrächen
(Kayl, H.B. 9625b); d) from Därebësch (Dudelange, H.B. 9634a); e)-f) from Kallek (Obercorn). – a), c) on periderm
over small holes (a) with Vuilleminia below, c) detail of a); d), g) on border of senescent Vuilleminia; e), f) on very
old ?Vuilleminia. – a)-c) with Melanelia exasperatula; g) with Lepraria sp.; b), g) with Dactylospora sp.; f) with Cha-
etosphaeria myriocarpa.
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