Andrias 19 - page 231

& M
: Deltopyxis triangulispora gen. et sp. nov.
Tafel 5
Fig. 5. Microscopic teleomorph features of Deltopyxis triangulispora (living state in tap water, except for g) in
). a)-b) median section of apothecium on Vuilleminia; c)-d) dto., cells of ectal excipulum containing LBs;
e. top view on crenulate, dark olivaceous-brown margin; f) turgescent mature asci in context of hymenium; g) as-
cus apices at different stages of development, showing thickened wall in young asci (left), slit-like broad pore after
ejection (upper right), and congophilous ectotunica at apex; h)-i) spore heaps on agar; j)-k) ascospores. – a)-b), i)
Léiffrächen (Kayl, on Crataegus, H.B. 9625b); f) from Kiemreech (Obercorn, on Crataegus monogyna, 6.VIII.2008);
h), k). Därebësch (Dudelange, H.B. 9634a, Prunus spinosa); j) from Holleschbierg (Rumelange).
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