Andrias 19 - page 232

Tafel 6
andrias, 19
Fig. 6. Microscopic teleo- (a-e) and anamorph (f-k) features of Deltopyxis triangulispora (living state in tap water).
a)-b) median section of young apothecia; c-e. mature asci containing living spores (c) ascus turgescent, d)-e) asci
dead); f)-g) anamorph produced in pure culture, conidiomata rupturing by a slit; h) young mycelium from germinated
ascospores; i) mycelium around conidiomata; j) globose cells of peridium; k) phialides and phialoconidia. – a)-c)
Därebësch (Dudelange, H.B. 9634a, Prunus spinosa); d)-e) Wald (Koedange, on Ilex, 25.XII.2011); f)-k). Léiffrächen
(Kayl, on Crataegus, H.B. 9625b).
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