Andrias 19 - page 227

& M
: Deltopyxis triangulispora gen. et sp. nov.
Tafel 1
Fig. 1. Deltopyxis triangulispora. 1a)-b) apothecia (rehydrated, a with Capronia aff. chlorospora); 1c), 2a) median sec-
tion of apothecium; 1d) median section of ectal excipulum at apothecial base (cortex); 2b) dto., inner part; 1e) mature
and young ascus (with fusion nucleus), very young ascus in process of crozier formation; 1f), 2c) paraphyses; 1g)-k)
ascus apices (1g) immature, 1h)-j) mature, 1k) emptied); 1l), 2d) ascospores (right spore in 1l) and two upper right
spores in 2d) in dorsal view); 3. median section of margin (excipulum, marginal hymenium); 4a). yeast-like budding of
ascospores; 4b) conidia formed on ascospores. – 1. from Därebësch (Dudelange), on Crataegus, H.B. 4576a (holo-
type), 2. ibid., H.B. 6071a (topotype), 3. ibid., on Prunus spinosa, H.B. 9634a, 4. from Léiffrächen (Kayl), on Crataegus,
H.B. 9625b.
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